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Season 1 Episode 8!


Mindhunter - Season 1 Episode 8 - Reaction


Kim Carragher

I'm sorry I know this is a pretty serious episode and you guys were great but I couldn't stop laughing "I don't know who she's talking about." "THE PRINCIPAL"

Kim Carragher

But on a more serious note - Holden was entirely in the right. Children can't consent to anything, literally anything. Teachers and schools need parental permission for just about everything. Parents have the right to pull up issues with the school, yeah, even if what they have an issue with is pretty stupid. The principal touching the kids and handing them hush money? Nothing small or inconsequential about that. The kids don't understand what's wrong with it - which is why they have parents. I think the worst thing about the principal was the way he deflected. He didn't want to acknowledge that he was being inappropriate even in the tickling, so he attacked Holden for presuming he was doing something even MORE inappropriate than just the tickling. Classic deflection, raising the accusation and thus putting people off-balance who will rush to say they didn't mean that. While it was certainly on everyone's mind that the Principal could be doing worse, it didn't matter if he was or he wasn't - he disrespected the parents by refusing to acknowledge their worries and change his ways, and he disrespected the students by imposing his touch on them and abusing his power. Tickling them, in itself, is HIGHLY inappropriate. Doesn't matter if it ever becomes sexual. He's teaching kids that he has, as principal, a right to touch them and its okay because here's some money! Want to teach kids healthy discipline? Freaking assign them extra homework, or give them detention, or make them write and essay on why they were in the wrong. You. Don't. Tickle. Them. Tickling isn't even fun. The laughter is a panic response. It literally triggers panic. You guys had it right, Holden is right. The responses of all the other characters was golden because it SHOWS how much people underestimate things as basic as consent (which they still do today). The new guy? Didn't find it serious until religion was involved, because how dare someone besmirch religion. It's nothing to do with the kids. The parents? Some of them were more peeved that their kid got money than their kid was being bribed into tickling. The teachers? Some just wanted to see a good teacher burn, wasn't even about the kids. The police? Don't personally think its serious, so refuse to do anything (which I'm pretty sure is an abuse of power). The FBI? Hands are tied because of a lack of understanding about consent - the law doesn't protect people when its deemed as harmless, even if its something people don't want. Even HOLDEN didn't take it seriously until his girlfriend raised the red flags for him. Like.... it's a whopper of an episode.

Hamza Khan

I dont think tickling was as bad back then cuz pedophilia wasn't as wide spread of a problem as today.

Neil Patel

What makes you say it wasn't as widespread a problem as today?

Hamza Khan

The short answer? The internet or rather global interconnectivity which has made it easier for pedophiles to live out their fantasies and has given them a platform to communicate with each other.


OR maybe it's the internet that makes it easier to SEE that this happens everywhere.


That's a perfect analysis of this episode! It was very unsettling to see just how calm everyone seemed to be about it. I can't imagine Dr. Carr wouldn't have gone on a crusade either if she was in the field experiencing what Holden saw. It was frustrating to see everyone treating Holden like he was wrong to pursue this. -Micky-