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Hi ALL Y'ALL! It's been a while but we finally are getting to a place where we can add more shows to our schedules. We have a lot of shows that are nearing their finale so we wanted to poll you guys again and give you this opportunity to influence what show we watch next! 

This time the rules are a bit different. Not only one, but two shows out of this poll will make it to our schedule! First, the absolute winner of this poll will be added to the schedule. After that we will add the remainder of the most voted shows on the wheel and spin! The show that the Wheel Gods select will be then also be added to our schedule!

So go ahead, smash that mouse button and vote your hearts out!!!



...that's a list alright.. oof.

George Byrd

For me it’s either Haunting of Hill House or the 100. God they’re both so good


Maybe Orphan Black can make it on this list one day

Lego The Office

How have you not seen The Office Suraj? Please explain this to me.


Vote for Scrubs and Band of Brothers guys!


Considering I just played the Battlestar board game last night, I have to vote for that.

j c

Battlestar Galactica all day 🙌🏾🙌🏾 Predecessor to The Expanse as a dense Space Opera with a talented assemble


I really hope so. Nothing on this list is really grabbing me but that would've easily gotten my vote. I know that all it would take was the first episode for them to be hooked.


Lol itll take forever to finish if Scrubs or The Office wins. I love both but itll be Fall 2019 by the time they get halfway thru either show unless they double drop every week. E: of course for a lot of people that's prolly a feature, not a bug.

j c

Putting The Office and Parks and Rec on the same schedule would be excessive. Same format


Omg Haunting of Hill House would be amazing 👀


I’ll vote for anything that stops the 100 ugh! but I want Hill House, the wire, band of brothers or Fargo or Sopranos to win but that ain’t happening cause that’s actually good storytelling but it’s not popular so....🤷🏽‍♂️

Heru Muharrar

Battlestar Galactica!!! That would be a great reaction show there's so much to discuss.

Ruben Lopez

These are horrible choices who picked them? I'm sorry but the fanbase is stupid. All these shows sucks but 1. I don't think I'll be around much longer. The Normie fanbase sucks.

Rich C

I would love for you to react to Battlestar Galactica, but every reaction on YouTube always gets blocked. I think it is hopeless to try.


I love BSG but that would probably have to be patreon only. YouTube is merciless towards BSG reactions, and both Jimmy Macram and American Mum had to host their BSG videos outside of YouTube. The plus is that it evades fair use law so you could slap the whole episode on screen and not have to worry bout editing at all. E: jimmy macram just posts the eps thru Google drive so it's not like you have to go thru some shitty video site to upload them too.

j c

The office is on Comedy Central every day and it’s on Netflix. I love the show. Most fans of the Normies probably know that show inside and out. Please don’t pick this

Christopher simeon

Are you guys dropping any shows your doing currently like AOS (don’t want that just asking)


Too much comedy here already. Horror would be a huge change of pace. The shows above would be a huge change of pace as well. I’m honestly so far only here for HXH FMAB and cowboy bebop LOL

Koala Banana


ashar waseem

For the love of god people vote The Wire. I have been asking for it for months now :O


If only Young Justice was on the list.


But I have to agree Stargate would be an amazing series, sadly it is definitely too long :( I mean SG-1 10 seasons, SGA 5 seasons and SGU 2 seasons plus 3 SG-1 movies.


This. So much this. They do themselves a disservice by not watching it.

Linsey Morris

people stop telling them to watch the 100!!!! IT'S BAD!! my vote is parks and rec but i'd be cool with literally any show but the 100. take it from someone who suffered through 4 seasons of that show: it's bad.


Glad that you are adding new shows! :) I would really LOVE LOVE LOVE if you reacted to money heist, even though there doesn't seem to be a reasonable chance because it's not that well known. It is so freakin good and thrilling and I think it would be a great show to react to. On top, there are only two short seasons - so you would be done with it relatively fast. Maybe you could consider adding one of these "not thaaat popular" shows to your schedule from time to time if there's still a free slot? (For example I am really happy that you added mindhunter, even though there are only two reactors, no problem.)I know that you have limited time and need to pic series that are popular because you want to satisfy as many of your subsribers as possible... but I'm just saying :) Keep up the great work!!


Wow...this was hard! HHH, BoB, Sabrina, GLOW...I love GLOW, but BoB is a classic. So Haunted Hill House and Band of Brothers gets my votes.


Lets get more votes for 'The Wire' is the greatest show of all time. And please DO NOT watch The 100, it's a terrible show


God pls not The 100, that's so mediocre. If you guys haven't seen Band of Brothers I would def pick that.


Gonna have to go with Band of Brothers on this one, or the Wire.


Why is Doctor Who starting at Season 9? The second season of the 12th Doctor is a very strange place to begin unless that's how much some of you have already watched.

Kamina 1

Love the normies. Hate the fanbase. Wire will never take one of these. Long live The 100 i suppose 😞

Heru Muharrar

Two things. One the 100 is getting a bad rap. It's got a god awful season 1 yes but Season 2 is fantastic. And second PLEASE DON'T DO ANOTHER COMEDY. Or at least if you do 2 shows please don't do two comedies.


No Black Sails. That's sad :(


The office is the best


Black sails would be good too


The 100 is so bad tho

Kamina 1

BSG's script would run circles around The 100.

j c

It has a gang rape scene in season 1 and a laughable bisexual tryst between the two female leads. No


What happened to The Magicians??? That used to be on the poll... Edit: Nevermind, it wasn't on the poll- it was suggested that it might make the poll next time :(

Linsey Morris

nah the 100 peaked with season 2. it deserves the bad rap because they haven't come up with an original storyline in 3 seasons they literally just do 12 filler episodes and one finale with a huge cliffhanger. that's their formula and it's boring.


BSG seems to be blocked all the time though. I guess they could do it Hunter x Hunter style for Youtube.


Black Sails


Scrubs please! It's got top tier comedy, drama, romance, lessons... I could go on for days about how good that show is! I just assumed you had already seen it.

Ben Wenger

BSG!!!!!!!!!!! No contest!

Anthony Dimas

Band of brothers is a phenomenal series. I wanna see the cozy 4s reaction to it


gonna be a close one. i'd rather have something short like Band of brothers, because its a masterpiece and its only 10 episodes, but i wouldnt mind being able to "rewatch" some of my all time favorite sitcoms


The Wire is considered by many to be the best show ever so I'm hoping it wins so more people can be introduced to it


Strange that Haunting of Hill house has so few votes.


Write in: The Man in the High Castle


It's also one of the newest show in the list (except for Sabrina). It doesn't have the same following as some of the more established shows


Aaahhhhh Daredevil isn't on here :(


The Wire is pretty good, it’s pretty realistic which is why I was bored when they focused on politics or the press. Y’all might like it though, it’s pretty hard to make something like politics interesting to me but it was at times

George Byrd

I hate reactions to comedy shows


Parks and Recreation and The Office will win:-(... They both funny shows but they have kinda the same type of comedy and similar themes as community. Same universe lol.....They are mainly comedy so you always know what your gonna get out of a season or episode:-( .. We need a action adventure, thrillers, dramas, sorrow, suspense, a good mystery with plot twist...something that makes for a good discussion or debate afterwards


BSG!!!! Suraj will love it


BoB and HHH are great examples of such shows, yes?

Chris Skalicky

Oh Parks and Rec and The Office..more shows just like Communinity...let's change it up a little.

Danny Jasper

The 100 or Band of Brothers _O_


Put my votes in, but ya'll should really think about checking out Justified.

Todd “Canuck” Schmuck

Just a thought, but it might be an idea to do a runoff poll with the top 5 or 6 shows if the top two shows have less votes then the rest of the shows combined. That way everyone can give a clear sense of the interest in each show on the list(With no runoff, alot of people may change their vote to one of the top shows if not many had voted for their first pick yet, giving an edge to shows that happen to start strong in the voting). That said, I like the looks of any of the top ones so far.


Money Heist, Fargo, and House on Haunted Hill. Best shows on the list.

Linsey Morris

parks and rec and the office are similar to each other but not to community idk why people keep saying that. i get you don't want them to do another comedy so just say that instead of being dramatic and/or just blatantly lying.

ashar waseem

gg... its all on the wheel gods now. Let it be the wire


Band of brothers is 10 episodes amazing show and one of my favorite shows so please you really should watch and react to it






Hmm I voted for Doctor Who, but why start with series 9? Have you watched series 1-8 already?

Sou saetern

Come on peoples. Alot of these shows are great, but lets go for something that has alot of speculation and guessing potential. Definitely BSG for me. The 100 is ok.


Into the badlands is amazing! Please react to it!

Otoniel Duran

the haunting of hill house should be here O__O

j c

Here for your BSG support all day 🙌🏾




I will never understand why people vote for the Wire, it may be the best show ever but it doesnt make for great reactions.


It rly would be amazing to watch you guys react to The Haunting of Hill House.


Should watch Man in the High Castle or 12 Monkeys or 11.22.63


Let's go Park n Rec!!!


The office, how is that a hard choice

Bryce Nielsen

Come on people really, The Office and Parks and Rec? Those would make for terrible reaction videos. Great shows, but terrible for reactions.

Tejan J Salaam

I agree, reacting to these shows has no benefit there's no intrigue or drama or twists it's just people living their lives and it's funny.


BSG so say some of us! (You'll only get that joke if you watch the show, so watch it to end the mystery!)


Money Heist = La Casa de Papel !! yes!!!


Good god not The Office. It's a fine show but there's nothing really to discuss in most of the episodes. Also there's like 200 episodes. Also that one Community episode shows how easy it is to craft an episode of The Office.


Parks and rec and the office are great shows, I'm not sure how reacting to them will be but I do hope you guys watch them.

Will Mac

Btw a show that you might want to look into is a Japanese Drama based off of a manga called Liar Game. I have a feeling the normies would love it and the fans would as well. Especially for those that like mind games and manipulation.

Jose Flores

I wish Atlanta would be on the list, hands down one of the best shows right now. The office and PAR are always gonna have their votes but Damm people gotta get on that Atlanta bandwagon Donald Glover is a genius!


House on a Haunted Hill? I'm pretty sure that is not a TV show but a movie. You mean Haunting of Hill House? In that case it gets my vote! That show was sooo good! The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is also very good!


lol, I really like how the Office and Park and Rec are currently tied for first. Shows how great both shows are and how much of an overlap there is as far as fans of the shows.


The haunting of hill house....its a shorter series!!! This can be wrapped up in 10 weeks.

Catherine Thurmond

Can I add a show to a future poll- Shadowhunters. Please.


Vote for the 100 please! I had friends who stopped watching it after the first few episodes but went back to it after I stressed to them that once you get passed like episode 6 the show gets Exponentially better.

Jules Eris

Into the Badlands is such an awesome show but it's so underrated. A shame it has so few votes.

Theo McClain

I feel like if you liked the office, you basically like parks and recreation.


You've gotta add The Good Place!!!


Hello! This poll is closed as of Friday Nov 10 midnight. Votes submitted past this time will not count :)

George Byrd

Haunting of hill house, the 100, and shameless should’ve been the top votes


PLEASE do band of brothers...


You guys should react to The Originals.

Bayan M

and i am here still waiting for the glory that is Black Sails :"")


Why isn't SKAM on this list