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It's finally up! FULL METAL ALCHEHISTORY. Thanks for your patience and your support! Enjoy The Normies reaction to Episode 27 Interlude Party. We try to do our thing and recap the show as well and our overall thoughts on it up until this point. Hope you enjoy our reactions and theories!


FMAB 1x27v2



wheres korra 2x14?

Philip Kay

Yesssssss patiently waited for this!

George Byrd

Wow the theories were so accurate sort of

Brian Drexler

It is nice to see all the mid-point Von-Hoenheim theorizing, before anything is explained. This episode makes sense retro-actively but I'm not sure it makes enough sense now to stay with y'all and make an impact later.

Noah Burke

Anime is great! It has good and bad like any media. Sometimes you get My Hero Academia, sometimes you get Black Clover. Sometimes you get Gurren Lagann, sometimes you get Sword Art Online.


The other woman was Pinako


how did they not find out that was pinako rockbell doesnt the episode say it.


My favorite OP credits with the introduction of my best girl I’d do anything for 🌚

Sou saetern

I seriously cannot wait for you guys to figure it out. Ahhhhhhhhhhh

Philip Kay

Lady one is Pinako Rockbell, girl 2 is the Mom thru diff time periods


I don't think that this is a spoiler, but that young lady with the pipe and alcohol is the old lady with Winry.

Alex Johnson

The other woman with the pipe was Pinako, Winry's grandmother. If you remember, back in episode 20, granny was looking at old pictures and there was a picture of her when she was young, and Hohenheim was there and looked exactly the same.

Dake Weng

I don't think I'd rag on Chris if he didn't make such a big deal of knowing math, buuuuut if this was episode 24, they would change the intro every 12 episodes. 12 for the first 'series' and 12 for the second 'series' and now you get the third one. ;)


Give them a break, they've got a lot to keep up with between shows. I didn't realize who it was until I re-watched it either.



Justin Neason

Other woman was the old lady whos always with Winry, check the pipe thing she was smoking at the end. Took me several re-watches to realize xD


This recap makes more sense on rewatch lol.


Hohenheim was dreaming; the lady with pipe (Pinako) / Hohenheim, and Hohenheim without glasses was his good and bad consciences. In the end Pinako / Hohenheim won over the bad consciences.

Frankie H

I think Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is the anime for people who don't usually watch anime. It's a starter anime for people.


While also being high quality. The usual starter anime for people is sailor moon or dbz or gundam, which are all fine and have positive points, but FMAB sets a very high standard as well

Dominic Caciappo

Nice trolling allowed guys! sub vs dubs lets go!!! oh wait fuck...this is the one anime that both sub and dub is really good...nvm

Daniel Gonzalez

Glad it seems you guys are enjoying this and I kinda see FMAB as a rite of passage anime having seen it instantly puts your anime cred over 9000


When do we get the uncut reaction for this episode?

