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Here is your second AoS treat for the day! Hope you have enjoyed a double dose. We stick to us 4 for the next episode's reaction as well. We will have mostly everyone back for the episode 17 reaction!

This episode was stellar. It was great to see Sif again.. what exactly happened to her in the MCU again? There was a lot revealed in the episode. Who is May reporting to at the end and how much more does she know that she is not telling Coulson and gang?


AOS 1x15 Final



Glad you guys seem to be liking the show more and more. I still go back to episode 1 sometimes just to see how different it was! Really puts the character development in perspective.


Gasp! Foreshadowing I didn't even notice!


Sif was not in Thor Ragnorak. She did not die in Thor 2, or during the events of Ragnorak.

Justin Neason

Bruh, I'm so hyped. It's gettin goood nowwww

Linsey Morris

They tried to get Sif back for a Ragnarok cameo but they waited until the last minute to ask and Jaime Alexander, the actress, couldn't make it work because she was working on her tv show the BlindSpot! She said she was bummed about it because if they would have given her more of a heads up she could have done it but now knowing what happened to the rest of Thor's friends in Ragnarok...kinda glad she couldn't make it lmao. Feige said Sif is "banished" or something so at least she's still alive out there somewhere,


They said Sif was one of the casualties of the 'event' at the end of Infinity War. Before then she was banished from Asgard by Loki before Ragnarok. Shes likely not going to ever show up again as Jaimie Alexander is busy doing Blindspot... and the MCU never really used Sif and they already have Valykrie to replace her.


I mean, it kind of makes sense not to bring the Avengers in on a threat that can control all men - they're almost all male!

Ian Blackburn

Thanks for the extra eps guys. Much appreciated.

Manny D.

Strap in guys, it's full throttle for the rest of the season!


If you thought that one of the "worst episodes" was stellar, then you got a lot of good stuff ahead of you.


Remeber to watch Winter Soldier.


Cif wasn't in Ragnorak. There was a scheduling issue with another film she was doing so she lucked out. She may still be dead but she wasn't in the movie to see it at least.


I haven't watched these reactions yet. Did they say they didn't watch Winter Soldier? The whole group went to see the Avengers stuff.

Champion Bescos

Love the editing on this one, guys. Rana putting her jacket on upside down, Suraj touching Mickey's knee, etc. And the episode itself was really fun, too.




LMAO "massive energy surge!" you guys are killing me. love these reactions.

Andrew Courtney

Get ready cause it’s about to be non stop insanity from here on out. Strap in have your tissues ready. And make sure not to operate heavy machinery.


Hey guys!! Nice reaction. I just wanted to say that initially when this show won the poll, I was somewhat disappointed because there were a couple of other shows that I believed were better. At the time I had only seen the first two seasons of AoS and I didn't remember being overly impressed with the show. I can now say that I was so wrong. I've seen up through season 4 and man does the show get fantastic. Season 1 is a bit rough as you know but after it is over things just get better IMO. Each season has several arcs and some will be more to your liking than others but overall the show is fantastic. Season 3 is my personal favorite of the show, with two absolutely fantastic arcs. Season 4 shaked things up a bit from the formula but its final arc was one of the most entertaining pieces of TV I have watched in a while. Also, I don't know if any of you don't like Sky cause I vividly remembered hating her when I first watched the show, and to be honest I didn't like her once again on second viewing for about the first two seasons. Her character definitely improves over time so stick with the show guys. Have a good one.


It's funny hearing them speculate about things that won't be happening for another two seasons. It picks up after Winter Soldier crossover but then sort of...well...you know what happens. But whatever you want to say about the show it does improve and learn from it's mistakes. Like the last season to air was amazing I think.


lol good thing this is just a tv show. In real life Fitz would probably have some kind of brain damage from getting knocked out so much.

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

The biker gang in this episode also has a chapter in New York, which got mutilated by The Punisher in the Netflix series Daredevil (Season 2)


Sitwell "I forgot to ask you , how was Tahiti?" Coulson putting sunglasses on, " It sucked."


Lady Sif was not in Thor: Ragnarok, the actress was busy filming a tv show. They did not say that Skye has powers.