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It's Always Sunny 7x2

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7wGuqADaOA

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-premium/

The Acolyte 1x3

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiwwKamB5yU

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-acolyte-premium-access/

One Piece Read-A-Long 78

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/onepiecemanga/



Andrew W

As a whole, I found the show a bit disappointing, but I did NOT understand the vitriolic blowback this episode received. I just don't get how Force IVF breaks the canon of the Force's Immaculate Conception. The Force itself being the will that created Anakin seemed like it was the essential part of his Chosen One role, even if others could 'create life' through 'abilities some would consider unnatural'. Chant being in English made it silly rather than interesting, IMHO, but I loved pretty much everything else about the Coven -- particularly their interactions with the Jedi. Mae's turn feels abrupt in a way where I wasn't sure if it was supposed to make you suspicious, or if it was just a character arc being handled about as well as Anakin's in Episode III ("I want to save my wife!" "Then go slaughter a bunch of toddlers." "Okay! For the safety and security of My New Empire!"). But none of those gripes outweighed getting some sweet, sweet moral ambiguity and ethically complex situations to make the Jedi more layered and interesting. This episode is a pretty high B or low A for me.

Lord Winters

I didn't really see Mae as having a heel turn here since this was obviously a story told via unreliable narrator.


The biggest problem with the acolyte for me is they are acting like they are reinventing the wheel of SW while flip flopping their own set Canon from their books and comics (I'm more talking about other things later but still counts for these 3 episodes), and i say that because the person that helped LH write this openly talked baout not reading, watching, or playing any SW before or during the writing process, that's huge problem when you have a fandom that live and die on its canon toxicly or not. The guy who created and wrote Andor said the same thing before being brought on for Rogue One and he sat down and consumed all the necessary information to write Andor. You can retcon things, things can be misconstrewn, things can be awfully written, acted, and produced but when people criticize these points as stupid or problematic for the whole universe you're working in then those people shouldn't be labeled racist or bigoted because an actual racist or bigot in their hate fuelded ramble parrot a couple points that are legitimate criticisms. People need to listen to eachother and have some nuance before jumping to conclusions about people's opinions. I hope you enjoyed my TED Talk.😂

Sharnia Buford

Never thought I'd be interested in the High Republic era but I am

Jack Jones

I don't think they are flip flopping there canon, at all I do think the show had its issues(Flashback episodes were a bit of a chore for me), but you referencing that the person who helped write it hasn't consumed star wars content is in my opinion not a bad thing, its a good idea to have people in the room who can come in with fresh ideas. There were people such as Leslye who do know a lot and worked to keep the show well in the Canon of the post disney purchase star wars.