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I guess she would be the most important sidequest after beating the elite four. Quality endgame content!
Somehow I'm always satisfied with the results when I draw her. A real muse she is, so thanks for letting me indulge once again.

Mega Folder: https://mega.nz/folder/jYBkmIQR#qqEPLpYYZ1Uu-YQjLyHz1g


x.com/SuperSatanSon  | instagram.com/supersatanson  | supersatanson.newgrounds.com


PSA: I'm currently posting on Patreon, Substar and Fanbox! You can follow me there for free just in case!




This looks fantastic!

A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends

It really is wild that all it took was one npc to spawn a decade long slew of art of the hex maniac in cow print