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hope you guys enjoy this month's poll winners. we had two polls since i said i wasn't gonna do anything detailed so it may look a lil barebones without alt versions but trust me, the work is there. having to focus on 6 pictures ended up being just as much work as 2-3 detailed pics lol

we'll potentially have a poll to decide wich ones get fully detailed with alts in the near future, i think that would be pretty cool

i also included the stuff patreon forced me to delete because they can't bothered to check the legitimacy of DMCA reports :U

i used this month to recharge my batteries a little but we're back full force in December ;0

If you joined today after i sent these shoot me a DM and i'll send em' to you!

P.S. if you're a $3 you won't get these, just sayin cuz i saw a lot of you guys when i was sending out rewards :0




I honestly think having a poll for one big character could be fun!


oof I just pledged a day late it seems. november went by too quickly