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That one person that is always dying on every comedy set...





"P as in... Pneumonia" is an INCREDIBLE joke.


Yeah, of all my favorite comedians I figured Brian Regan would translate the best, he's the only one I'm confident enough that his comedy will translate to burn my one-per-month recommendation on it. I really like... well, all of it, but the Fig Newtons and Ice Cream serving size into the Pop Tarts bit is one of my favorites from this special. I think an incredible ending with the "I Walked on the Moon" bit. "I assume they're small; maybe they're really big giant switches and they're really hard to flip!" You're right that his visuals add so much: the baffled face while he preps the Pop Tarts; the walk as he explains "Walkie-Talkie"; the salesman walking him past the 3 refrigerators; throwing "8"s; his tri-focals... also his word choice adds to the bits, I don't think the cholesterol joke works as well without "it's inexplicable!", and "2 wisdom tooth tale" just rolls off the tongue better than "2 wisdom tooth story". Finally: I just love the final bit, the lottery tickets, because I honestly don't think it's a particularly good joke - told by even a good, but not great, comedian and it's just a nothing bit - it's ALL in the delivery. He's just so comfortable stringing the joke out... and then everything about the ending: "I could've sworn that was going... *somewhere*. But you flipped the tables." "You managed to follow nothing... with *less." That sentence just tickles me. So good.