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Ben 'n' Henry bring you this week's weirdest stories and true crime news including an update on the Idaho Co-Ed killings, Riverside's murderous internet predator cop, the German patient caught repeatedly unplugging her room mates noisy ventilator, cult leader Samuel Rappylee Bateman facing numerous child abuse charges in Arizona, the chinese man who landed himself in hospital after eating raw crab in act of revenge for daughter, a marvelous hero of the week, corn related listener emails, and MORE!




I live in the "north Idaho" town experiencing the mystery booms and i promise this is just white supremacists blowing themselves up in the woods with sparkler bombs...


Are the results lethal? (please say ‘yes’…’A LOT’) Asking for an ailing democracy of 350M desperately clinging to the flimsiest shreds of hope that we won’t be rounded up into vacant, 20th century Wal-Mart Discount locations retrofitted with Zyklon B water sprinklers to be used as death camps


Lol probably not. But the Snack Ops continue their antics in places like this.

Colson Barnhart

I think they should strap her to a bed with 6 of those machines going on at full volume. Straight up attempted murder, crusty old bag.