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On part two of our Warnke series, we discuss how exactly Mike Warnke sold his Satanic high priest story to the Evangelical crowd for 20 years, and how his influence helped to kickstart the Satanic Panic of the eighties and nineties.




I'm here for Henry's Nickelback


That drop at the end of marcus' script. Hail Satan. Hail all y'all. Fuck these liars


So I grew up in an Evangelical Free church in the Midwest and I have so many thoughts, the first being that JPUSA is absolutely a cult. I've had multiple friends fail at life and move there, I've visited there many times. Their experiences have been frankly horrific. I also attended JPUSA's music festival for around 15 years. I'm certain there are organizations doing much worse but it's overall, not a cool place. The conflation made in Evangelical churches between Marxism and Satanism is so accurate. In adulthood I'm a pretty dedicated Marxist but I remember doing a Chuck Colson Bible study (he was on Reagan's special counsel and went to prison for Watergate, converted, and became a Conservative Christian darling) called "How Now Shall We Live" in 2002 when I was 12 & it's the first time I was introduced to Marx, Darwin, & Hitler as the big bads all working together to serve Satan because their core philosophies are so similar....? Anyways, my grandfather LOVED Mike Warnke and he was a household name growing up. Adore the last couple episodes, cool to realise I experienced part of this palpably even if I didn't know it at the time. It makes some of the crappy aspects of it seem at least worthwhile.


Fuck Hal Lindsey...my parents watch/read his stuff. I blame him for a lot of their idiotic beliefs.


Honestly, Marcus is the best at that shit. I swear to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that I get goosebumps every episode from those lines :P


Hits home hard. The hypocrisy should have ceased to astound me by now, but you guys have done it again.