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As we move toward the next major version of Malise and the Machine, we are making small battle test releases to show our progress as we overhaul the art style.  More features will be enabled as we progress.  Click below to download the latest battle test releases of Malise and the Machine.  The most recent was released on April 3, 2018.

LATEST BATTLE TEST: MATM - Battle Test Release 3.5 (v0.0563)


Click below to download the latest major version of Malise and the Machine as of October 30, 2016.

LATEST MAJOR VERSION: Malise and the Machine v0.0511


Please see the following posts for other digital tier rewards:

System Requirements

If you haven't played the previous releases of MATM, then PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING!

Malise and the Machine utilizes the RPG Maker VX Ace engine.  To play, you must install the RPG Maker VX Ace RTP (run time package), which you can download and install for free from http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/additional/run-time-packages (click the blue button at the bottom of the page to download).

It's highly recommended that the first time you start the game you make a critical adjustment to the RPG Maker VX Ace settings to vastly improve performance of the game.  To do this, press F1 after launching the game, then in the window that appears uncheck 'Reduce Screen Flickering', and then select OK.

Here are the recommended hardware specs for the game:

  • Intel Core2Duo @ 2.4GHz
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 512 MB Video RAM

Bug Report Instructions

I would like to ask a favor from everyone who stumbles upon a bug.  Most of you who have played the game haven't mentioned encountering any bugs at all, which is a good thing, but it also means that bugs still out there are very hard to find and fix, so we must rely on you to provide us with as much information as possible!  It takes only few minutes to create bug report, but it can save us hours to fix a bug with minimum amount of info.  Please follow these few steps when reporting a bug to make our lives (or rather, our programmer's life) much easier:

  • If game screen is not empty make a screenshot (preferably with error message out of the way),
  • Add a description; where the error occurs, what was the last action (or few last actions) -- the more details, the better.  It doesn't have to be a novel, but every detail counts,
  • Send description along with '!Error.log' and 'Options.ini' files (both in the System folder) and optional screenshot to us (eromancergames@gmail.com).


Carter Parks

Actually, they're now working RELENTLESSLY on getting v. 06 up and ready for us...the new art overhaul brought a WHOLE SHITLOAD of problems with it, apparently, (understandable, since they DO make all the sprites and models for this game from scratch, meaning shit can and most likely WILL go wrong when they don't want it to...till they can fix these things, we'll have to wait...but as someone who understands the time and effort they're putting into this, I'm gonna wait patiently for it.


kinda stuck at the first boss, any cheat to pass through it?


MATM - Battle Test Release 3.5 (v0.0563) <<< I really, really like the graphic style of this version, it almost gives the game a new look, I'm even looking forward to a remake of this game! (I don't understand English, the above is a translation of DeepL)


this game is great! however....do author want to update thw game ??


когда будет новая версия игры?


я отказываюсь от подписки будет новая версия игры подпишусь с 16 года все никак не сделаете.


I am having an issue with being able to reload my saves. The game allows me to save the game, but when i died and tried to hit continue, the actual "Continue" tab at the main screen is frayed or and i cannot access my game save. But if I start a new game and go to save again, i can see my original save i had made before


In which version does that happen? I just downloaded v0.0511 and it seems to be working just fine. Also, is Load option in the in-game menu working?


Yes everything looks normal. The amount of money is showing, map location, chsracter level, everything looks good. This version I am playing on is the absolute most recent version of the game. V0.0511


Wait, so here aomething that just happened. I went to save a new game and my original save became available to load. That is weird...


Good that it started working. Doesn't sound like it's MATM specific issue, but I would still love to know what could cause such a behavior. The only thing that comes to mind is an issue with system write-cache buffer, but I'm not even sure it should be possible to mess up like this. Anyway, thanks for the report.


Hey you reminded me about what I wanted to say to the version but forgot. I don't like the idea of the skills being tied to the outfit. What if I like one outfit more but don't like the skills? I think it would be better that you can switch 'cores' of the outfits.


If I start the Game I get some errors and the game crash. the errors are: Unable to find VL Gothic Front , invalid File or File name : Audio/Se/Audio_mix


AltairPL (our programmer) is suggesting that this may be from a corrupted RPG Maker VX Ace RTP. Can you try reinstalling it? This reminds me, I should add the download link and system requirements to this post.


if i may ask a question. do you plan on putting any bondage enemies in the game?




one last question if i may ask. is there anyway to get Neon's chest armor to break as of yet? i have tried but it never seems to go down.


Top of the starting armor (and other armors of this type as well) is unbreakable, but not the top of the second armor type :)


thanks altair.


Thanks buddies. So much much potential in all this. I'm with you since the very start, and I will continue to support you for a long time. Great animations man (animations = superawesome). Insane efforts ! Great Artworks. Sweet mechanism. If Neon or Malise teasing/fucking scene while fighting could be animated, it would be completely just ..... simply..... the greatest h-game ever...


An Error pops up saying that "RPGVXAce RTP is required to run this game", How should i fix this?


i didnt even read the detail below because my thinking process just went from my brain to my penis


I can't believe I actually payed money for THIS... i need B20 fuses to proceed any farther, and I can't find them ANYWHERE!


Oh wait I understand your question now. You need to put four 5 Amp Fuses in the B Circuit using four different fuse panels to get it to 20 amps.


That's what I thought, but it didn't work... I must be putting them in the wrong panels? Where Am I supposed to do this?


All fuse panels works in the same way, so there's no good or bad panel. When you insert a fuse into a panel, you get choice of circuit in which fuse should be installed, and probably that's where your problem lies. Every fuse panel has a display indicating what kind of fuse (5A only at this stage of the game) and in which circuit is inserted. Also, at every panel you can check current state of all 3 circuits, so it should be easy for you to check whether or not fuses are installed in correct circuit(s). Maybe not necessarily now, but this post of mine can be a bit of help: <a href="http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=919194&amp;postcount=1452" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=919194&amp;postcount=1452</a> - response to mellowfellow is relevant, and don't mind what's after the hint spoilers - only public demo end soon after C circuit gate ^^. Good luck!


So i;m unable to play the game I've got everything downloaded including RPGVXAce but when i double click on the game icon nothing happens the mouse cursor spins like it's loading but ends up doing nothing at all is their a way to fix this?


Sorry for taking a while to get back to you! A few questions! 1. Which release are you trying to play? 2. Do you have RMVXAce installed, or the RMVXAce RTP? The first is the editor, while the second is for playing games 3. What OS are you using, what's the version, and what language is it set to?


good day! Will the game continue?


For Version 0.0511 the latest one, the game would end right after the elevator boss fight, after the animation plays out. Is this a glitch?


Does it crash or does it show the "Thanks for testing this release" screen?


Hey there, i'm sorry to bother you, but i can't actually play the game. I pressed everything, and it's still not working. What do i do?


Hey! Have you installed the RPG Maker VX Ace runtime package? If not, you can find it here: https://dl.degica.com/rpgmakerweb/run-time-packages/RPGVXAce_RTP.zip


Hey Eromancer, don't know if I'm just being dumb but I i can't seem to get the game to go fullscreen, I press ALT+ENTER after loading the game and half the game gets cut off the screen. Its not the biggest issue but just wondering if there is something I can do about it or not. Sorry to bug you on an old post. (P.S Pure Onyx is amazing)


Have you got some information about a new version and its release? I would really appreciate :)


I love the game! :D, it's really really nice! :-) Good work anyhow, and me too i'm waiting for the game to get big! :D if there is anything i could do to help just yell my name, take care and have fun you guys here and the malise team! :-) xx!

Lods E. Mone

Will you ever go back to this game?


I have a little little question for the '' progress update '' do i have to pay aswell for the game update's? or i can wait for it till they release the update in the sub menu here '' Download game ''? Friendly regards Cheers Cheers!!


Hey! Not sure I understand the question entirely. While you are pledged at the $3 tier you have access to this post with the download links. When a new game release is made I'll add a new link to this post. So, as long as you are actively pledged to the $3 tier or greater you'll have access to the download link.


This game is incredible. Love the art, love the game play and the sex is erotic. I hope there will be creature pregnancy in this. I'll happily continue to support.


could you maybe reduce enemy health/damage in the first area? all my healing items gone in 5 minutes and i can't seem to kill them faster than they can kill me. some just blitz me in 1 turn from full health.


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY DO YOU START THE GAME WITH A GRIND. I'm like 45 minutes in and I have ONE fuse for the C gate after opening B. Is killing monsters the only way to get them? I really want to die.


I can't even get them to drop anymore, been like 10 minutes.


Hello I downloaded the latest version v0.0511. is it a demo or the full version? Got up to the elevator boss fight played the cutscene and then it ends.


the Malise and the Machine Artwork PDF Download is not working. when you open the pdf I just get and error.


Hey, sorry for the late reply! I tested it out and it indeed fails to open in Edge. It however opens okay in Firefox and Chrome.


Why do I repeat in the first level and cannot enter the next level


I can't download it from mega( Can i do it somewere else?


am i just suposed to be locked into a fight with 3 people? like nothing happens ...


Let us know which version you are playing and try to give more information and we'll help you out as best we can ^-^


I'm really looking forward to a new malice update. I didn't think I'd be into it since it's an RPG maker game. But you rocked it. Very 80s cyber punk design. And a nostalgic gameplay for me. Plus Neon covered from head to toe in slime need I say more?


Oh man, I want more of this game. I know that Pure Onyx is getting updates every month, but this game still gets me going with the armor breaks, the lust meter, and the grappling system too! Once Pure Onyx has that stuff in it I will be satisfied again. I really need to see some cloths getting torn!!!


download doesn't work:(


I've uploaded that one to Google Drive for you :D. Let me know if that works https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z6fzhK-oQrEov3zkcuFI-yQnrOi4TA76/view?usp=sharing


I have a question for you Eromancer, Do you have any more plans for Malise and the Machine game?


not sure I understand the game or the point of MATM and how to H scenes work?


Oh man, a good game and hentai? Did I die and go to heaven?


Hey :D, sorry for the delay. If you are playing the most recent battle test release, then that's exactly that -- simply a battle test. Try v0.0511 for the more complete release, featuring the original art style.


hello how can i make the full screen on the malise and the machine ?


Actually, F5 is windowed Full Screen, and should probably be used instead. Better performance for no tradeoff.

Carter Parks

So...I've been watching this game's progress for a good while now...and are you still working on it? Because I could've sworn that v.0511 or whatever it is has been your latest one for almost a year now.


Just asking, when do you expect the next update to come out? I just looked through the comments and saw that the update v.0511 was up for a year or so.


That is great news! Although I must admit that Pure Onyx is fantastic as well. Have you thought about enhancing Pure Onyx with DLC after its release? Depending on the work that needs to be done on MatM, it might be possible to work on both games in parallel to some degree...