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Hey guys!

Here's the mid-June Pure Onyx test release!

I had hoped to have the first larva scene ready but it still needs a few days of work and I didn't want to delay this.  It should be in the end-of-month release however.  As such, this release is pretty small, but should fill out by end-of-month.  On the bright side, we've also made a lot of progress on the 2x Vioreaper scene, so it should follow soon after.

The major change this release is the addition of destructible objects.  Right now it's just some barrel containers but we'll be adding explosives soon.  As we build on this framework we'll include fun features such as objects that can be knocked around before detonating or releasing environmental hazards like acid, sticky ooze, or gas.

We've also added dynamic physics for FemCop's combat animations, and have fixed Onyx's since hers weren't working after we updated her rig last month.


The following is only a list of player-facing changes, unless otherwise noted.

H Scenes

  • Added message to gallery when selected scene contains filtered H content.
  • Animation Gallery is now hidden from Main Menu if adult content is completely disabled


  • Added destructible objects framework
  • You'll now find destructible barrels that drop items on some maps. This is just a start!
  • Returned the old and more descriptive messages when attempting to open a locked chest during the wave survival missions


  • Added dynamic physics for FemCop's combat animations (hair, chest).
  • Dynamic physics for Onyx's combat/movement animations is working again.


  • Enemies no longer spawn in T pose, resulting in fewer visual glitches.  For example, Chain Splicer's chain will no longer be visible from a mile away when he spawns.
  • Enemies will no longer yeet themselves outside the map.
  • Further improved backend AI to balance frequency of specific enemy skill usage.
  • Fixed memory issue in which items Looter stole were not deleted

Known Issues

Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.

  • Destructible objects don't receive environment lighting or cast reflections yet.
  • Vioreapers are extra buzzy at the moment (even while knocked down).
  • It's possible to make Onyx invisible through some combination of opening console / enabling God Mode while Onyx is flashing due to respawning
  • Bat Bunny is missing her serving tray in her idle pose during actor selection in the H gallery.
  • Blocky shading artifacts appear on both FemCop and Onyx if they are covered in liquid while lit by FemCop's forcefield.  This is due to a shader conflict with the newly optimized liquid and the lighting technique used for the forcefield.  We're working on a fix ^-^.
  • Larva/Crawlers (and Vioreapers too) currently use humanoid bystander behaviors.
  • Crawlers' spit attack has a splash AoE where the projectile lands, but FX graphics aren't in for it yet, so it can appear as if Onyx is hit by nothing if she's standing nearby a landing spitball.
  • FemCop's force field doesn't emit light properly when the scene is mirrored.
  • It's possible for FemCop's forcefield to spawn on top of bystander enemies.
  • Splicer Thug needs new bystander animations before his section of the Chain Splicer's H scene.
  • At minimum zoom, you can see the incoming/outgoing Ball Drone used in the Runt's section of the Chain Splicer H scene before it's meant to appear.
  • Some of Wraxe's combat FX need to be updated to work with new animations.  Some may display as being rotated improperly or slightly out of position.
  • Charger's hitbox shifts slightly after he charges.  If he charges repeatedly this shift can add up to be significant.  It will soon correct itself however.
  • Liquid won't show on Onyx during the Thug's solo H scene.  This will be fixed soon.
  • The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug's H scene finishers sometimes doesn't play.  We're aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
  • Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now.  Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
  • Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he's a bystander.

Console Commands

The game isn't balanced that great yet, so some people have asked if there are ways to bypass bosses or get some help.  You can use console commands for this while the game is still rough around the edges. Press the  ` (backtick/tilde) key to open the console.  Type any of the commands below and press enter.  Press ` again to close the console.

  • godmode on/off - Makes Onyx indestructible and impervious to Exhaustion.
  • onepunchmode on/off - Gives Onyx the ability to kill anything with one attack.
  • setwave # - Sets the enemy wave to the number specified.  Changes will not be reflected in enemies until the current wave is wiped out.  If you want to fight Street Lord Wraxe, who spawns on Wave 20, then set the wave to 19 and wipe out the remaining enemies.
  • setgamespeed # - Multiplies the game speed by the number specified.


Currently only Windows 7/8/10 are supported. We plan on adding additional platforms if there is a demand. 8 GB of RAM and at least a 2GB graphics card are heavily recommended. If you get poor performance please let us know and post your system specs (or send to eromancergames@gmail.com ); we’re still in the early stages of gauging system requirements.



  • Walk = Arrow Keys
  • Dash = Double tap + hold Left or Right, or Hold L Analog Stick
  • Menu Controls: Confirm = Z, Cancel = X
  • Jab = Z
  • Mod = CTRL
  • Power Attack = Mod + Z
  • Punch Combo = Forward + Z > Z > Z > Z
  • Kick Combo = X > X
  • Stomp = Mod + X (hits downed enemies)
  • Defend = Hold C
  • Jump = Space
  • Jump Kick = X while jumping
  • Zoom In = Q
  • Zoom Out = A
  • Skip Struggle / H Animation = X / Space
  • Skip Full H Scene = C
  • Escape = Pause Menu
  • F1 = Toggle Debug Overlay
  • F2 = Toggle Vsync (not recommended except for testing)
  • Quit = F12

Currently Supported Controllers: Xbox 360, Xbox One, Dual Shock 4.  PS5 DualSense

**Note** The popular community made DS4 Windows drivers cause Unity to recognize a DualShock controller as an Xbox gamepad, and we can't tell them apart in code. This means that you'll be gifted with the untold joy of having your controller mapped by default with the wrong controls. You can fix it by rebinding the PS4 controller map, or removing the DS4 Windows drivers. (The latter is HARD, a simple uninstall isn't going to be enough)


If you find a bug we haven’t listed in our known issues, please post the following with your description of the bug.

  • Operating System (if Windows, tell us 7/8/10, etc.)
  • Screenshot if applicable
  • Can the bug be reproduced? If so, tell us how!
  • OS language if different than English



Hello there, been following for a bit and decided to become a patreon to support your efforts. I just have a few questions: - When can we expect the cinematic mode to be added, and what about a freecam? - Anyway to loop the H scenes? - Saw some previews of more female enemy concepts, is there maybe an eta for their inclusion? - Are there voices for characters planned? - Will there be modes where the players will be free to edit a stage, deciding its enemies, waves... etc.? Anyway, keep up the good work. It's got my interest.


Hey, thanks for your support :D. - Not sure on cinematic mode yet, it's definitely happening though. We've made progress on it recently in the form of getting an internal structure for it going with lots of notes for what has to be added to the game database to streamline the process. Freecam is unlikely since the animations are best viewed at certain angles. Getting every anim to the quality I like for 360 degrees would add a lot of time to the animation workload. - There will be a way to loop H anims ^-^ - Bunny girls will be added relatively soon since most of their combat animations are done. The rest still need rigging and animating. - Yep we will have voice actors, but we're waiting for the characters to be more complete before we do any casting. We also want to do as much in one go as possible instead of going back for more voice work every few months. - The current wave survival system is more of an example of an event as opposed to what standard gameplay will be like. May be worth it to ask this again later once things are more structured, but it's a good idea.


Thank you for the response, it was very informative. Just to follow up with two more questions, will other female enemies have shared scenes that are currently Onyx-exclusive? For example, since there is a Onyx/Splicer scene, will there be say, a FemCop/Splicer scene or Bunny Girls/Splicer scene? Moreover, should we be expecting more protagonists in the game?


- Yup, we plan on making as many of the scenes as we can for the other characters. - We've designed the game with more player characters in mind, but we're focusing on Onyx for now and seeing how things go.


Oh, and please do animate this entirely: https://i.imgur.com/uSORlQS.jpg :)


That one's already in the game :3. It's in the Onyx w/ FemCop + MaleCop scene ^-^


Then I saw this in your twitter from a while ago: https://twitter.com/EromancerGames/status/1316074682139979776 Which makes me wonder, will Onyx get to dish out against some of the female enemies?