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Hey guys!

Here's the new Pure Onyx release~


* Releases from May 4, 2019 to December 31, 2021 are currently no longer available.  Please see newer releases to download the game!

This test release has two major features!  

The first is that the initial version of FemCop has been added for combat testing :D (Tip: don't forget to block)!  She's not entirely finished, as we still have to add a backstep ability, as well as a counterattack from the knocked down position (she'll do a kick back into idle pose).  We also may give her an edited landing animation for her jump ability, since right now it looks/sounds identical to her kick flip attack landing.  

The second major change is vastly optimized models for most of the enemies (minus bosses and FemCop).  The full detail models will still be available during cinematic mode once it's added, but the new optimized models will be used for gameplay.  At the game camera distance there's virtually no change in quality, so it's basically a big, free performance boost.  Here's the difference:

  • Splicer Thug: 32k -> 8.6k polys
  • Splicer Runt: 20k -> 8.8k polys
  • Chain Splicer:  38.3k -> 9.4k polys
  • Vioreaper: 16.5k -> 10k polys
  • Ball Drone: 23.4k -> 14.6k

Lastly, there has been a lot of backend work done, so if you see any new issues let us know.  We've done a few days of heavy testing but rare issues can still slip by.

Here's the full list of changes!


  • Added FemCop enemy to the game for combat testing.
  • Added highly optimized models for the Splicer Thug, Runt, Chain Splicer, Vioreaper, and Ball Drone characters at virtually no loss of quality.  Should result in big performance gains when these characters are on screen.
  • Added a versatile new system for enemy repositioning.  Can work for jumps (see FemCop), teleport skills, etc.
  • Implemented new workflow for improved enemy hitbox tracking (you can even knock FemCop out of the air).  Expect to see other enemies retrofitted with this soon.
  • Fixed an issue that would break H scenes if Onyx escaped a grapple at the same time the enemy won the grapple.
  • Physics system can now be interrupted to stop active forces.  This should prevent characters from misaligning during grapples / H scenes.
  • Performed backend animation overhaul to more easily address common issues with the animation system.
  • Performed major backend overhaul on actors / loot / pickups and map data in line with working toward complex multi-map missions.
  • Made Chain Splicer more aggressive / increased depth of his attacks' hitboxes
  • Optimized WaveSpawner enemy position determination.  

Known Issues

Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.

  • FemCop can continue a combo after standing up, sometimes facing the wrong direction (this is same issue as Chain Splicer issue below, and is very close to getting a fix).
  • Chain Splicer can immediately hit Onyx after an H scene if he had wound up to attack before the H scene began.
  • Still have a few fixes/improvements to make on the Chain Splicer H scene intro.
  • The Chain Splicer currently has no unique H attack animation.  His windup animation will receive new FX soon to distinguish between an H attack and regular attack.
  • Charger's hitbox shifts slightly after he charges.  If he charges repeatedly this shift can add up to be significant.  It will soon correct itself however.
  • Street Lord Wraxe can dash backwards if he begins his dash at the far right side of the map.
  • Enemies can appear floating above the shop characters after an H scene, but should fix themselves quickly.
  • Liquid won't show on Onyx during the Thug's solo H scene.  This will be fixed soon.
  • The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug's H scene finishers sometimes doesn't play.  We're aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
  • Spamming attack/jump while Onyx is knocked down can sometimes produce a glitchy animation just before she gets back up, which can affect her next combo.
  • Street Lord Wraxe's hitbox is not good, especially during his attack animations (Onyx's hits will usually miss when it looks like they should land).  He was the first enemy to move a lot from his origin during animations, and this separates him from his collider.  
  • Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now.  Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
  • Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he's a bystander.

Console Commands

The game isn't balanced that great yet, so some people have asked if there are ways to bypass bosses or get some help.  You can use console commands for this while the game is still rough around the edges. Press the  ` (backtick/tilde) key to open the console.  Type any of the commands below and press enter.  Press ` again to close the console.

  • godmode on/off - Makes Onyx indestructible.
  • onepunchmode on/off - Gives Onyx the ability to kill anything with one attack.
  • setwave # - Sets the enemy wave to the number specified.  Changes will not be reflected in enemies until the current wave is wiped out.  If you want to fight Street Lord Wraxe, who spawns on Wave 20, then set the wave to 19 and wipe out the remaining enemies.
  • setgamespeed # - Multiplies the game speed by the number specified.



Has anyone been able to use a Switch Pro Controller, I tried and the game goes crazy like its trying to use all the buttons at once.


Does the FemCop have an H Scene yet or just combat movement?

1 1

There is almost no substantial update of H gameplay this month


Currently it only supports PS and XBox controllers for certain, but will ask the programmer in charge of input about it today.


I was planning on adding the Runt portion of the Chain Splicer's multi-team scene, but FemCop took a lot of work and I didn't get to do his finisher animation yet. Expect it for the end-of-month release ^-^.


Thank you. One more question. Do you plan to add moaning audio for Onyx in the h-scenes? I think that would help a lot.


I know the H animation for the FemCop is a WIP. Do you think it would be ready for the next update or likely the next one after that?


Am pretty certain we will be ordering one of these as well as a PS5 controller soon so we can test with these :D.


So is Femcop getting an H scene at the end of this month