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Hello Friends

Apologies for not getting anything new up on here this week, but the real world has been getting in the way recently, but today we are back with a preview of a new piece of art.

I think I know what is happening, though I do not have the dialogue written for this as yet, but I get the suspicion there is an "invitation" being offered to Jane by the ladies of the local hunt.

Perhaps your super thoughts on this will influence that dialogue.

Beyond that, Isn't Andy's uniform cute? Well if you think so just you wait until you see it in.........baby blue!!!!!!!!!

Big hugs to you all







When the ladies come back from the local hunt they only want our cute pretty boy to serve them their drinks and nibbles. xxx

Andy Latex

I hope that is all they will require my dear Aidan, they look so very demanding XXX

Michyle Glen

This does have possibilities, A summer under multiple Mistress's!?!?!