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I brought a treat for everyone tonight, the 2021 ASN Lifestyle Magazine Awards Show. It was a very exciting shoe to watch because you have no idea what will come next and we are pretty sure that they are all sucking and fucking in the same hotel room for the whole video. Then Chris made us look at something else so I made him watch the most boring man on the planet Opie, then we ended it with a little bit of Michael Noland


Daniel Dingley

I was listening to this while doing deliveries for work and nearly crashed my car in between looking like a maniac cackling at red lights. It was too much that I had to stop it and wait until I got home (Also because I need to see this shit with my own eyes) Incredible stuff. Chris' complete bristling silence when I just KNOW Bryan was doing his thumb trick was the final straw

Chris Nephew

I have never shouted "NOOO!" at my phone like I did at the 39 minute mark