Some Updates to my Patreon (Patreon)
2019-11-30 20:39:50
2019-11-30 20:41:06
Hey everyone!
So recently, I’ve been thinking about my patreon and what’s the best way to offer to all you patrons and I’ve decided to update my tiers rewards. It’s nothing major, it’s just something give any potential new patrons more variety of options on what they want.
- I’ve moved the reward of NSFW pinups (full naked drawings) to $5 tier only.
- You can only have a $5 discount of my regular commissions when you order one from me (flat colors and shaded colors only)
- A new $15 tier consists rewards of XXX Porn drawings and patreon drawing request where you can ask a shaded drawing up 3 characters from me (as long as it’s an idea that we can both agree on) with no additional fee. The rules with this is that you have to keep pledging $15 so I could finish it. If you unpledge before the monthly fee is processing, I’ll cancel the request IMMEDIATELY. However, if you switch your pledge from $15 to $5 or even $1 (or you could even edit your pledge to any amount you want and still get rewards), I’ll still finish it and even show to you privately, but it’s still gonna be only for the $15 tier. Lastly, and this is very important, please DONT pester me on finishing the commission before the monthly fee process or even before you decide to unpledge from my patreon at a certain date. I’ve had that similar problem with a customer before and it affected the quality of the drawing. You either switch your pledge to a lower tier so I could finish my request on my own pace or just cancel the commission before I go any further with ASAP. I don’t wanna waste my time on someone who’s impatient.
Well, that’s pretty much it. If there’s any concerns with any of these, please lemme know. Your feedback is very important to me.