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A little bad news - after discussions with the staff I have decided to push the release back from this Sunday to the last day of the month (Saturday, 30th). 

This is primarily for two reasons: firstly Hooky and Exagie have had to deal with real-life stuff, and this will allow them to get in extra work (and as both finishing the fae and goblin arcs are a priority, this is rather important). Secondly, Rein wants one extra UI rework to be added alongside the mechanics' update, which requires assets from Sommy, who is currently too busy finishing the CGs and making variants to supply them until after the weekend. 

It is no big deal, the release is still technically on time if it comes out in September, and delaying to add these things will make for a better experience for players. I just wanted to keep you all updated with what is happening. 



please fix dialogue spellings and character errors in last release. X person will talk but portrait and name will be Y person, etc.


After patiently waiting years now for some hardcore Alexia x Orc action please tell me something is in the works... Some Rowan x Delane and Ulco x Alexia wife swapping/swinging or maybe bribing the orc in the breeding pits to protect Sil. That said keep up the great work and now I'll resume my silent but hopeful wait lol.

King Bass

Wait I must have missed it did the update release on the 30th of September or no just asking