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Hey all,

Got to go to a wedding today, and as always at this time of the bi-month, I'm swamped with work for the release, so this is going to be a quickie.

First up, the thing you all care about - the release is going fine and should be on time as usual (unless a piano gets dropped on my head). I have a good chunk of the events and have started coding them, and the rest should be turned in over the next few days. So far there's Whitescar, more Ophelia, and more Rowan and Andras, for those of you wondering. Art wise, I have shared all the sketches with the backers and am in the middle of sharing the finished ones. Sommy has just got a few left to finish rendering, and then do the variants, so no problems on that end. The new build will also have the scene replay gallery we added to Steam this month, so those of you who have been asking me for ages about it will be happy.

Looking forward what is next, we've cracked the issue we were having with making chaos incursions happen on specific tiles, so very soon in the future (perhaps even the release after this one), we'll be merging with the work we have been doing on the mechanics branch. This means chaos incursions will finally work as intended (as quests that send you out to the map), as well as add a few things Rein has been wanting to add mechanics wise for a while, along with an updated map with more portals for better navigation, and QoL and UI improvements.

That's all for today. I'll put the poll up now for those who have been waiting for it, and the new update will be out on the 28th, which is one week tomorrow. 



Hey Im new to this patrwon but I really enjoy the game and was wondering if there was going to be anymore greyhide x rowan or maybe even some whitescar x rowan


Alright... I'm a bit confused tho... I'm mostly here for alexia and the NTR stuff... A few months back many people clarified in the questionnaire that they are too, but since then we've got almost no ntr stuff. Is it planned in the future and in how many years do I have to come back for it?

Soren Bush

Where do you go to find the poll?


where is alexia :( ?


There are multiple routes in this game. The AndrasxAlexia and JezeraxAlexia route are both fairly advanced (maybe one of them is done? not sure). The AndrasXRowan route however was fairly behind and the devs have picked it up lately, especially after adding someone comfortable with gay content. Same with I presume WhitescarXRowan this month. The game has many NPCs and characters so they all need to be developed. A lot of effort is going in finishing the goblin and fae arcs so they can finish this arc. I understand you may have specific things you are more interested in. If the game is not delivering them in certain months, perhaps don't sub until they get back to it; I only supported these last few months because they are focusing on content I like. But you cannot expect every update to have Alexia NTR content, especially given how much of it is already in the game; most visual novels have less content than that route has in a single arc here.


I get it and I wouldn't judge nor would I want to be judged for my taste but... I'm subbed for a couple of months not just because it's a great game but because it's the first ntr game I ve ever played and its the game that made me realise I'm into ntr. In the questionaire a couple months ago more then 50% said they re here for the alexia ntr too so Im just confused why for months nothing has happened. Many things were promised after the questionnaire and my question is, if it takes like a couple of months until they proceed with the alexia ark or if I should come back in like 3 years. I dont blame anyone here, the developer can do what he wants with his game.


Honestly, while I get the value of feedback, the worst thing the devs could do would be to focus on it as guidance on what they should do instead of HOW they should do it. If some important characters score low, you need to do better with them, not less. Plus starting with multiple routes and then going by feedback would definitely be a case of Tyranny of the Majority; some routes would just have to be wiped out. I get your complaint but given the number of the routes, if Alexia NTR was as common as a plurality wants it to be, that's all the game would have and Alexia is not even the protagonist.

Frank Kuschmann

Hope your wedding is going well, LA, and your bride is also fine.(*wink*)(*smirk*)


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