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Hey All,

Not doing a NftSR this month because I don't have a lot to say, just wanted to give you all a quick update on the next release. Despite being ill last week with the flu, I have managed to catch back up, most of the release is coded now, and I'm just waiting for the last few events to trickle in from the usual late suspects. I already have all the art from Sommy though, as the backers have seen, so the new release will be out on Sunday evening as planned.

I'm going to do the poll now, and happy Thanksgiving to those of you who are celebrating it. :)


Frank Kuschmann

Although we don't celebrate it in Germany I wish you a happy Thanksgiving too!


Is there going to be a roadmap or something similar for year 2023?


I'm glad you were able to regain your strength after getting the flu, and glad it didn't affect your progress too much.


Good news! I like how it sounds. Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone who celebrates this day!