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And here is the last of the sketches. :)




On one hand, i want it to succeed. But I know that it wouldn't


Might turn into him dominating her but prolly not

Skillbo Swaggins

This is a scene already in the intro.


What if we'd rather jump her bones not attack to kill? Or if we're loyal to her? Maybe I would willing submit to her lol. We'll see what happens but I look forward to it either way

Benevolent Cerc

Wow- a cinematic scene. Didn't realize this new intro plot point would get art, but it makes sense- very big moment in the game. Love it!


Well sir, that scene is awesome, but doomed to fail I'm afraid, why? Because Jezzera IS A FREAKING DEMON! But...I digress. AS I seem to remember now this scene ALREADY happened. I am both a freelance writer, and a loyal fan of yours and this game. If you want, I can write a few pages for Seeds of Chaos (Alexia in particular, love that character) as a demonstration, that is, if you are interested, of course. (I said demon he he! ;)


I repeated my offer to you just now in case, you never received it.

Chris Warren

Looking forward to the scene where Rowan gets his ass thoroughly beaten.


I hope Rowan is ready in this scene! He's in for a serious fight when he finally takes them on. I can't wait to play through what you create.

★ Cute Goblin Bastard ★

Thank the Lord someone knew it was from the new intro and not a new scene. Was worried for all these dudes that have not seemed to have read the intro to the game lol 😅


Why Jezzy got no ass?


Is this like ending material or will he just be caught and dominated? Or smth else? :O