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Another month, another Seeds of Chaos release. This one marks a big milestone for us - the game now contains over five hundred thousand words of text. The focus this month has once again been Rastedel, as we slouch toward the conclusion of act one. Players can now revisit the city to meet characters old and new, and make an important decision about how the story will play out.

In addition to that, we also have new events in other areas of the game, as well as plenty of art. Over the next few months, we’ll be working on refining elements of the gameplay and overhauling certain mechanics; you’ll be hearing more about that in future release posts. 


This month we have eight new CGs, with thirty variants, as well as new character sprites and backgrounds:

- Rowan x Transformed Orcess CG (with four variants)
- Wulump x Female Commander CG (with four variants)
- Rowan x Young Aspirant CG (with five variants)
- Rowan x Delane CG (with seven variants)
- Rowan x Village Girls CG
- Rowan x Helayna CG (with three variants)
- Jak x Indarah (with four variants)
- Andras x Draith
- Jezera x Helayna (with three variants)
- Copper Club Background
- Rastedel Inn Room Background
- Liliana Character Sprite
- Mysterious Male Character Sprite


As mentioned earlier, the main focus of this month has been continuing the Rastedel storyline so we can finish the first arc. Players can now meet with Jacques, Duke Werden, and Patricia Crevette to discuss the situation in the city, and how they would improve it, before deciding which to side with.

In addition to the Rastedel content, we also have one new ruler event, one new job event for Alexia, as well as three new resource events.

This month we have two new sex scenes:

- Rowan x Alexia (Vanilla)
- Rowan x Two Female Orcs (Orcs, Threesome, Pegging)

That’s it for today’s update! Version 0.2.44 of Seeds of Chaos is available to download for patrons pledging $5 and up.     




When can we expect the next survey to happen?


Sorry for the dumb question, but I'm a new pledger ($10). Where to I find the backer downloads?


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/26422354">https://www.patreon.com/posts/26422354</a> here you go. :)


Lol, I just realized it was the post before this one. Sorry about that again, I was looking for it in overview.

Matthew Prim

Just stumbled upon your game and had to back it. This game is insane fun!!!


Kinda found this game on accident myself. Sexiness aside the story and the different routes for this game are just fuuuucking amazing. Keep at it peeps! Backed!


I am disappointed.. The android version is not available anymore.. I had it once and now not available..i mean WTF.. I want to continue playing it. But now I can't


Not sure what you are on about, the android release of the new version is clearly available on the itch - <a href="https://venusnoiregames.itch.io/seeds-of-chaos" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://venusnoiregames.itch.io/seeds-of-chaos</a>


Mega dose not work on my android device


Can't download because of mega


It isn't a mega link, it is an itch link, so again, not sure what you are on about.


I think it worked I'll try game now


I love this novel and how much options there are. Is there going to be more between Greyhide and Rowan? At some point I hope you can romance him. He is my favorite character. Later on in the story can Rowan choice to be gay and just be friends with Alexia?


I can't speak for specifics since the end is very far away, but I will say there will be both more Rowan and Greyhide content, and at the very least one gay ending.


I am glad to see that I am not the only one who wants to see Rowan and Greyhide together. My thoughts exactly! Maybe we will see Rowan ride the bull soon. LOL!


Idk if we will get it any time soon... Rowan and Greyhide had a connection but this novel is mostly heterosexual....

Spojenko Sparlic

sup where u been lol its been like 2 weeks


I love the greyhide content as well, however from a different point of view from most. The thing I love most about the sexual content is the ability to make it go one way or a totally different way. The thing that excited me the most was seeing Alexia getting curious and taken advantage of by greyhide while Rowan was away. The betrayal of Alexia is always a hotpoint for me, so anything to cuck the main character usually ends up happening while I keep Rowan faithful in my playthrough. (Messed up, right? Lol) I wouldn't mind seeing more of Alexia's curiosity/naive nature toward Greyhide play out in the future as well. Also, I love how later in the game you feel like you are playing 2 characters, not just Rowan in the story. Please keep that a thing.


I agree, I like that you are playing two different characters but I hope we get more Greyhide and Rowan content. I feel like we have more Greyhide x Alexia content and I know people like that. As a gay player I am not asking for much just at least more Greyhide and Rowan. Lol


I just recently found the game and have to say I love it ^^ The story itself is super interesting and I enjoyed most of the characters introduced so far aswell. My personal favorite has to be Andras (together with Rowan actually xd) I really enjoyed Greyhide aswell though. His character was definitely one of the ones I enjoyed the most ^^ In regards to a different character, is it possible to keep Helayna around simply as a friend? I tried a few different things to see if any had this outcome but to no avail. I know of one that makes her stay but that's not the way I would like to play Rowan xD


Keeping Helayna as a friend would be fantastic for realism and role playing. ... that said, I kind of like that Alexia goes behind our backs and releases her. .. I feel like maybe we have to little control over this storyline in anyway that is obvious