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There is a issue in the Quest: Supply Run Rescue that causes it so you can't progress with the quest to the required objective not to spawn. I'm looking into it and will try to have this fixed as soon as possible along with a few other minor bugs. When this has been done I will upload a new versions and you should be able to transfer your save over (I will let you know how far back you will have to go in order for it to play correctly.

I apologise to those who were effected by this.



Hellion Prime

It's the same thing, just a typo I need to fix.

omegawolf light

um dont know if this a glitch but the seeker of the ancients quest cant be completed. for me at least.however i do not know if the new version that just came out address this

Hellion Prime

It's not yet. It should state in the objectives that it is currently unavailable, I will be working on this along with a few other things during the chapter 4 update.