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You have woken up...but something is different. It's dark, and your normal bed feels rough rather than your usual soft bed. You try to get your Bearings, but before too long you hear what sounds like thunder, as if there was a thunderstorm outside. You continue to climb around, trying to find out where you are. It isn't too long before the thunder noises stop....

You look around, and objects around you have started to form. Before you can start to process what you see, the whole place shakes around like an earthquake and you are thrown around landing on the surface. When the earthquake stops, you get back up and before long light emits from the sky, blinding you...

Before you recover from the blinding light, you are struck by another earthquake. Unlike the last earthquake, this one is different...The place where you are, starts to tilt and soon the objects that fill the room start to slide out towards the light. As the room tilts more, gravity takes place and you are sent flying out the light at the end of the tunnel.

With a crash you hit the ground, but it is not over yet. The objects that surrounded you continue to crash down around you and soon cover you, blocking out your view above. You take a look around to see walls of a yellow covering you from all sides. You start to climb up one of the yellow walls and onto another, in hopes that you can climb high enough to see where you are.

Soon enough the sound of a waterfall starts, but before you can work out where it is coming from, liquid rises from the ground...white liquid...This isn't the color of water you think to yourself as the liquid level keeps rising bring you closer to the top. A yellow wall above you nears closer and closer, but before you reach the yellow wall, the liquid stops as well as the waterfall noise.

You swim around the liquid towards a yellow wall that is slanted and climb up onto it. You make your way up the yellow wall, using the cracks in the wall to climb up. You can start to make out the outside world when a loud splashing noise sends you back down the yellow wall and back into the white liquid.

As you surface, the yellow wall that had once blocked your view from the outside world has moved, revealing what lies beyond the maze of yellow walls. You stare upwards as everything starts to come into focus...And the figure above reveals itself. You know know where you are...

Looming above you is the face of a girl...

You stand the in shock looking up at this girl. The face of girl you had known since childhood, Em, now loomed above you. You were standing on a piece of cereal. Before you could shout out, your are knocked to your knees as the piece of cereal you were on started to rise up. No! you think to yourself, as Em's spoon started to rise up with you on it. 

The white liquid, you now know to be milk runs of the edge of the spoon as she raises it up to her mouth. You try to stand up, but the force of her raising her spoon only presses down onto you, and before you know it....it stops.

Raising your head up, you see the lips of what once was your friend start to part, as strands of saliva are caught between the upper and lower lips. Em's warm morning breath feels the air as you stare into the maw of doom and to the hanging pendulum that is Em's uvula that hangs over her throat.

You snap out of it, standing up you prepare yourself to shout, but you spent too long staring into Em's mouth and are again knocked onto your back. You watch as Em's upper lip starts to pass above you, sending you into darkness. Once the movement stops, you know it's only a matter of time. You pick yourself up and turn around preparing to make a sprint towards the handle of the spoon. You run across the pieces of cereal as the ground starts to shake, and Em's top teeth start to lower. 

You are too focused on where you are running that you didn't see Em's teeth slam down in front of you as you crash into it. The ground continues to move as Em begins to take the spoon out of her mouth, leaving only the cereal and yourself inside and darkness once again surrounds you. You bang onto Em's front tooth in frustration, knowing that any moment now she will start chewing and if the molars don't make quick work of you, Em's stomach acid will. You were trapped, left to be treated as nothing more than a piece of Em's cereal, and she didn't even know.

You watch as Em's teeth start to part, and with a flick, Em's tongue sends you flying towards one of her molars. You get up onto your feet as you see Em's top molars descending...Slam! you managed to jump out of the way just in time. But it was not over yet. One after another you were send flying from one side to another and jumping out of the way before Em's molars made quick work of you coving you in small bits and pieces of cereal drenched in Em's saliva. Another flick sent you flying right into a pile of mushed cereal, coving your face in the mush. You were not sure where you had landed, but with the mush on your face you couldn't see where you were going.

SLAM! Em's molar came down severing off both your legs. Screaming in pain you are thrown off Em's molar and back onto her tongue. Without your legs, you wouldn't be able to escape the next time, but not that it mattered, soon enough you were send flying again. Lying on your back, you open your eyes and watch as Em's molar once again descend right on top of you crushing your body over and over.

Em continued to chew on her breakfast as she got out her phone. Swallowing her mouthful she opened her contacts, selecting your name and started to type:

Morning, are you free today? There is something I want to show you...



Hellion Prime

This is the first short story I have ever written, so I'm sorry if it's not the best...

pokedex entry #591 (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 03:32:40 maybe find a way to put this in the game just a suggestion if anything
2022-08-08 22:51:31 maybe find a way to put this in the game just a suggestion if anything

maybe find a way to put this in the game just a suggestion if anything

Futa Giantess

You've got that something that makes stories catchy. ;) You should write more often!