Progress Report (Patreon)
Progress has been going well and I'm on track with getting this done by end of November. I have been having fun re-modeling a few things which should be useful for further into the game. With luck there should be less spelling mistakes or bug issues as I have been testing and re-reading as I go. For the most part Chapter 1 will still be the same chapter one as you know but with some minor some major changes to it.
One of the changes I want to do, is with combat. I have already made notes on how I will do this but it should be fun. This will effect how things pan out with other chapters but I already have a plan on how to approach this.
On top of this, I have been getting quite a bit of the CG edited by an artist, VirtualParadiceGTS. So I owe them my thanks to making this possible. There has already been about 21 CG edited so quite a lot already and with much more to go. It's already looking and feeling fantastic and I can't wait to be able to release this update.
Again, I thank everyone for your continued support and patience while I redo all of this and hope to give you a experience while I tell the tale of The App RPG.