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Hi Everyone.
I'm lagging behind a bit this month, I am aware and I feel terrible about it. I just want to make sure you all understand that I am catching up and tokens will be made in order to get ahead again and not just leave a failure to deliver this November.

I am actually nearly done with the major dragon token for November, as you can see, and intend to have it done today or tomorrow.

To try and deliver something to you all, I have attached some more character portraits I've made for my home game that I was going to release at a later time along with their respective tokens. Enviral (based on my amazing friend DelicateChan on Twitch.tv), Vanus and Baba Data (look up "Void Hag" for that one.)

This month got out of hand and I've been wrestling with the dragon token over the last few weeks as it just hasn't been turning out as I intended, but is giving me insight into the upcoming modular heroes that I'm also working on, piecemeal. 

I humbly apologize to my wonderful patrons for the delay and hope I can get a handle on this. Please message me if you have any concerns or issues you'd like to discuss regarding this.



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