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This is the first big test for the modular function for hero tokens. As more modular tokens are being made, more combinations and equipment/weapons/armor/assets are also being made possible.

This is somewhat of a starter that I want to let everyone that it supporting me, even a bit, to be able to try out and see if the modular functionality of the World Builder Tier is a more attractive prospect.

The tokens included are my current gaming party, we made them together, allowing them to choose their weapons and paint job, done over a group video call with screen share.

As always, all feedback and comments are welcome and encouraged. I read all the comments and it really does make a difference, helping me streamline the project to what my Patrons need.

You're all awesome, Thanks so much.

EDIT: Updated post with "Modular2" file containing complete shield art, hydraulic fist, and legs - Requires some file cropping to allow legs and arms to fit. Expand the canvas space.




Beautiful work, dude. Love it. Your work is hands-down the best assets for starfinder tokens globally right now.


That means a lot. I really do try to make it as good as it can be at every step. Your boost of confidence helps keep that going. :) Cheers.


I can't find a plain version. There's only outlined one in this post :(


The unlined versions of the pre-made hero tokens are in the modular files, but I never saved them out without outlines because that's what I use. I just collapsed and transferred the layers over to make this preview. I've updated the Modular File now to include some new parts.