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Does Techlanders need maps?

  • Yes, Please. Balance Token and map releases. 34
  • No, Thanks. Stick to the tokens for now. 27
  • Yes, but as an additional part of the project (new map-tiers). 4
  • 2020-10-20
  • 65 votes
{'title': 'Does Techlanders need maps?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, Please. Balance Token and map releases.', 'votes': 34}, {'text': 'No, Thanks. Stick to the tokens for now.', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'Yes, but as an additional part of the project (new map-tiers).', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 10, 20, 15, 12, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 65}


This is a test map being used in a personal game I'm running. Is this type of content something my patrons, specifically, are looking for?
- If "Yes" then the creation of these would be take the place of possibly 2 tokens every month (if regular)
- If "No" I may incorporate them later when Techlanders has higher numbers of patrons.
- If you would like to see this content as a separate part of Techlanders, 2 new tiers will be introduced for those that just want maps without the tokens and 1 for Patrons that want the lot. This will mean maps will be produced each month in addition to the Token releases.

I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments, including notes on style and quality level. Thank you all for your time and feedback.




Since the beginning im a Patron of yours and watching how you evolve. One of the biggest Steps you have taken, is the modular Tokens. The Tokens are amazing and high standard. Compared with other token Makers (Sci-fi) your tokens are var better. To add Map releases would mean that you probably need more time and resources. Thinking about it in this way it could be, that the Quality of tokens and maps go down and the amazing tokens you published become "standard" like the tokens from other Token Makers. In my Opinion it would be better, if you make more of your work theme-based (e.g as you did it with Swarmstokens or Ratbeasts) and sometimes publish a matching map that suites the theme. Like a Swarmnest where the Swarms appear or other Ideas that go through your imagination. Could be a higher Tier, but a Tier comes with Must Haves. But what ever you do, do it as you dit it before, with love and perfection.


Paul, you've been such an amazing supporter and it always feel great to see a like or a comment from you. The modular tokens are beginning to feed themselves (as planned) as more elements from different releases are able to be combined. (Upcoming Proximabot based on the design in the recent 60-patron post). If I can make the Techlanders Patreon more attractive, it can become more self-sustaining, which means that I will have more time to work on it, so it will balance out. This is also why I intend to release theme packs on various marketplaces - extending reach. But I agree that focus and specialization may have a greater impact at this stage. This poll is to help me make wise decisions moving forward, rather than a definite will/won't decision right now. So I appreciate your honest feedback a great deal. I fully appreciate your concern, and I hope you will keep me grounded if you ever see a decay in quality, imagination or ambition from my end. Thank you so freaking much.


Please definitely do not make maps. I have so many map sources/patreons I definitely do not need another, nor would I want any focus being taken away from your tokens/variable assets in general. One thing you could do however is (as others have already suggested) map-making assets. Heavily consider figuring out how to make DungeonDraft asset packs.