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Large, medium and tiny Ratbeast tokens, ready to burst from radioactive sewers, the depths of derelict ships, any applicable Red zone, or anywhere else you have need of them.

Making another step up like this really is a heartening event and every new person is helping to make the Techlanders library as awesome as I hope for it to be and keep a dream going. 

It's still a huge task to keep up on and I hope you're all finding the content useful and cool.
Thank you all again, so much.





Small Rats don't have outline versions - is that intended? Also: sorry for posting comments in multiple releases but I rarely have time to dig through Patreon, so when I do, I make it a bulk approach and report every issue I'm finding.


That was intentional for the separated rats because I doubted most people would use them as single enemies on their own, and if you layer them up when they have outlines it cuts off most of the image below. I appreciate the attention to detail and feedback. I'm aware of most of the issues you're mentioning, but the one or two accidents are worth finding, so thank you. I'm just one guy so it's a lot to design, draw, promote, keep up with, review, respond, etc. And the current total income is still unbalanced to the effort it demands. Still totally worth it, but currently not self-sustaining.