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You may have noticed that this month's pictures were coming out slower than usual. All that time has been invested in trying to get stronger at the craft. I think some of it worked out though:) I want to thank again all those who have supported my journey - without you, it would not have been possible!

Official statement: we cannot confirm or deny that the Twitter user @vainilllatrap was referenced for the boy:) 

UPD: fixed not-translated bubble, thanks CJ Fakkuza

Вы наверняка заметили, что в этом месяце картинки выходили медленнее, чем обычно. Всё это время было вложено в попытки стать сильнее в ремесле. Думаю, кое-что всё же получилось:) Хочу вновь поблагодарить всех тех, кто поддерживает моё путешествие — без вас оно было бы невозможным!

Официальное заявление: мы не можем подтвердить или опровергнуть, что референсом для мальчика стал твиттер-юзер @vainilllatrap :)




Чем не идеальный тройничок.


Надо будет его тоже нарисовать.

Chelsea Fakkuza

hey that top right bubble is russian in both, was that supposed to happen?

Devin Dickie

Your art is REALLY IMPROVING! It looks great! You can really tell that you are attempting to elevate your style. Great work!


Damn, your new art looks so tough like it's been training in the mountains for five years to avenge it's dead parents. Impressive!!!


Thank you a lot:) I've found a good art critic and thinking about taking a study course.


I'll echo everyone else's sentiments, this picture is crazy hot! She's the kind of girl you look forward to getting beaten up by. Your art style is looking so great, too! Everything feels so warm and luxurious, it's really excellent! Looking forward to the next piece!