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Hey guys,  It's December!!  It's time to ask for the first "Theme of the Month"

you can help me decide how the characters will look, what will they use or do in the pics I'll be drawing this month

Since is Holiday Season, I suggest we decide from the obvious options...

Sexy Santa Outfit

Gift wrapped (This one is a classic for me)

Sexy winter clothes

Or something like that...

Let's hear your preference and suggestios =)


Matt R

Gift wrapped


The third one

Ethan Kitchen

im up for gift wrapped


Sexy Santa sounds cool...but so gonna have to go with Gift wrapped!


Santa outfits and similar themed stuff are a great staple this time of year. Perhaps the ribbons could be saved for February. :)


no me gustaria que se rompa la tradicion de las ribbon wrapped girls,pero tampoco me molestaria variar las cosas un poco con ropa de invierno sexy