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Happy New Years everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed and are still enjoying your holidays! There'll be more chapters to come throughout the day so stay tuned!

It's been a wonderful and difficult 2023, but I'm happy to say that I've had an amazing time all thanks to all of you, to the point where in the last few months I've been posting almost twice every single day! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, and thank you for all the support and kind words you've shown me.

I want to thank my Patreons sincerely because without them I would not be able to upload as frequently as I do. It's because of them that this story is uploaded on a near daily (sometimes bi-daily) basis. I often think how lucky I am that so many people are reading this story of mine, and moreso that people are willing to offer me constant feedback and thoughts.

My heart goes to the people and the patreons that have stuck with me since the beginning and throughout my journey. I remember every single one of your names, from those that constantly point out my errors, have given me advice to create and maintain a Discord, have theorycrafted extensive paragraphs of the direction the story's heading, left excited comments throughout the story, and have constantly spoken to me over socials like Discord and Scribble Hub/Royal Road. I remember all of you and cannot be any happier that you have been with me throughout this journey!

The story has reached over 1.14 Million views on Scribble Hub and now nearly a Million over Royal Road. The growth of this story has often left me speechless because I still cannot believe how many people have at least seen it once.

So, what are the plans moving forward?

For starters - I want to upload the side stories more. I've neglected them long enough and I'm sincerely sorry for anyone that has been looking forward to chapters there. I now realize how difficult it is to juggle multiple stories, but I will absolutely try my best! This is my new years resolution!

This year I also hope to tie up loose ends with Iscario in one way or another. Be on the lookout for more enemy POVs as things get heated up. We're on the brink of the scales finally tipping to the point of no return, especially now that we have finally made contact with a true Aberration of Elysia.

Additionally, I want to flesh out the world beyond just Frost's POV. This goes back to the first point of needing more side stories, but I also want to try smaller books and more manuals similar to the ImpulseWorks Overseer Manual/Inflow Direct Serum Guide.

There's a lot to do, but I think we can make it happen! Onwards to 2024! I hope you all have a splendid rest of the year, and I thank you all for reading!


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