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Every month Battle Yak Miniatures will release a new Battle Pack, featuring 3D printable miniature files! The November Battle Pack is the Sentinels of Primus: the Slayer Cults, superhuman warriors empowered by the undying wrath of the God-King Primus!

Become a Patron now and gain access to the Slayer Cults here!

Enjoy this gallery of the Sentinels of Primus miniatures and a glimpse into the story behind the faction!


'Until it is done?' Fools. It will never be done...

-Slayer-Praetor Ar'Leene Sandar, Order of the Winter Wraiths

Harnessing the forbidden secrets of the cosmos, the God-King Primus infused power beyond mortal imagining into men and women chosen by him to act as his army, his sword and shield against the demonic hordes that threatened to devour the world and all its people. Watchmen of order, the guardians against doom, they are the Sentinels of Primus. 

For centuries, mankind had suffered the predation of the Doom Dimensions, an otherworldy realm filled with demonic monsters that consume entire worlds. When the hordes of doom threatened extinction and damnation, the Sentinels were the means by which the God-King pulled humanity back from the brink. He chose warriors who had fought bravely against the demons, displaying strength and skill, courage and fortitude, unbreakable honor and righteous anger. But in some of his chosen, it was their anger that was strongest of all...

Primus transformed his chosen by infusing them with the cosmic energies at his command, making them more than human, with strength, endurance, agility, intellect, and a capacity for violence that all surpass ordinary human limits. But while the God-King embodies all the best traits in humanity, even he cannot be called truly perfect, and his hatred of the demons resonated with the souls of certain of his chosen, those who harbored the greatest anger and hatred for the demons that had tormented them.

These chosen had their feelings of anger and hate massively magnified, growing with every passing day until they eclipsed all of their other attributes - no longer did they hold the values of nobility and brotherhood and the desire to protect that make the Sentinels of Primus the greatest heroes of mankind. Instead, these wrath-maddened super-humans desired only to destroy their enemies, killing as often and as brutally as possible. They take no joy in times of peace, no satisfaction in seeing mankind safe and thriving. No longer truly Sentinels, they are said to walk the Path of the Slayer.

Many among the ranks of the Sentinels of Primus regard the Slayers as broken beings. They have fallen away from the principles that truly makes one a Sentinel. They are a cautionary tale for those who would allow their anger to overwhelm their higher nature. The Slayers do not care a whit. They know that the God-King needed killers, and they embody that pure desire. Most do not even bother to rationalize their existence at all - all they live for is to bring doom to their enemies.

While their brethren organize themselves into regimented fighting legions and ordered companies, the Slayers gather themselves loosely into Slayer Cults. Their brand of battle emphasizes close-quarters combat, and the warriors are known as Slayer-Marauders, blood-mad berzerkers who seek to close the distance to the enemy as quickly as possible and rip them apart. Their greatest joy is to try and outmatch the ravening hordes of the Doom Dimensions in savagery and carnage, and more often than not they succeed.

If Slayers manage to live long enough, some of them pass through the blinding rage and madness and out the other side, building a kind of ragged and hard-edged sanity out of their blood-soaked insanity. Such warriors earn the regard of even the hateful Slayers, and take up ancient weapons of legend, Nerazhim-forged and enchanted with baleful killing powers, marking them as Slayer-Conquerors. Such warriors can match even the most powerful and deadly manifestations of the Doom Dimensions.

Some Slayers become so overwhelmed with fury that they lose all sense of reason, attacking everything their gaze falls upon while bellowing in incoherent rage, targeting friend and enemy alike. These Slayers are branded as the Wrathful, warriors fallen to the madness of anger. A danger to anything that lives, they are stripped of armaments and bound in Nerazhim-forged chains to halt their indiscriminate killing. Only when battle looms will they be clad in their armor and given weapons before being turned lose upon the enemy, turned into living weapons that kill and kill until they are finally brought down. The death of a Wrathful Slayer at enemy hands is considered the optimum outcome when unleashing them in combat, for if they slay all the enemies, they will inevitably turn on their own allies, proving a far more difficult foe to defeat than any demon.

The great powers that the God-King commands were revealed to him long ago by the Nerazhim, mysterious giants of a fearsome, bestial aspect that lived in the remote and hidden corners of the world. Primus came to them seeking a way to defeat the demons that threatened his people with extinction, and the Nerazhim taught him of the secrets of the universe, of the hidden white-hot cosmic flame that is the power of kings and gods. A crown of this secret fire was made and placed upon his brow, and with this act was Primus made the God-King.

Taking the bright fire from his crown, the God-King fractured it into three aspects - the Arc, force born of light, the Materia, the binding power of all elements, and the Odic, the essence of life itself. With the Odic he forged his Sentinels, molding them mind, body, and soul. The Arc was made into a plasma energy for the Sentinels to wield, harnessed through their weapons. The Materia he granted to a rare few, to wield as sorceries.

The white-hot flame was but one of the secrets the Nerazhim revealed to the God-King. They taught him to look beyond the veil of his reality, through the layers of creation to the blasted wastelands of the Doom Dimensions and their teeming demon hordes. Then further, deeper, into the black-blooded core of the cosmos and its ultimate nature, to truths that even the demons feared to face...

It was perhaps these secret truths that sparked the dark rage that beats within the God-King's heart, the rage that calls to some of his chosen and poisons them with anger and madness. The Slayer Cults are the living incarnations of that rage, and the Path of the Slayer will forever be paved with the skulls of their enemies.

For the rage of Primus will never die...


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