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Hi All,

Hope you're doing well.

I have a note for you and a few updates. Any mods not updated below should be compatible with the current patch but if you have issues, report them on Discord. Public mod support will be back up when I get back online on Monday Dec 18th so in the meantime feel free to go to a general support server. This does not apply to patrons - I'll be doing mod support here and there, on Discord only, when I get a chance but I won't have my computer again until next week.

I'll have another smaller update and new mod for you (for those golden oldies...) before the year is over - geez, it's almost the end of another year, how crazy is that?!


Modular Mods Are Modular For You

I felt the need to do a little PSA reminder. If there's a feature of one of the modular mods you don't like, remember that you can simply delete that whole module package and the mod won't break (core and required files the exception). Modular mods include Divergent Sims, Healthcare Redux, GTW Health Overhaul, Education Overhaul, Dynamic Teen, BG Health, Dental Care, Preteens, and SimNation Travel.

So, if say, you don't want Addictions but want other things from Divergent Sims, just go ahead and delete the whole darn package for the Addictions module. I've seen people say oh I want to play with Healthcare Redux but I don't want Medical Emergencies. All you gotta do is take out that package! Trust me, otherwise I'd have left everything in a single package for my own ease but for you, I make it modular so you can play with the mods the way you want.

So just remember you can do that because I feel like there's this misconception that every file is required and unless it says it is, it's simply not. I know a lot of you simply unzip files and dump everything in the folder in and for many mods, this is fine, but please don't do this for modular mods, mine or someone else's, unless you want everything. This goes as well for the files that are named optional or add on as well. I make sure to name them specifically for you to know what they contain and if they are removable or not or have pack requirements or not. This is all so you can customize the experience to your liking!

Proper Installation Leads to Minimal Issues for Us All


Also make sure to get the updated version of the mood pack (Nov). It was recently updated!!!!!

Don't forget that mods have requirements. Don't install mods without double checking you have everything they require including the right packs and the right mod dependencies. This is detailed on the mod pages linked in the title of every mod of mine as well as in the summary of every mod on the landing pages.

Mod Updates

***Make sure to fully delete and then drop in the new files. Do not replace. Clear your cache!***

Thanks to frankk and Turbodriver for the script solution!

Public Updates

Cosmetic Enhancements v1.2- Minor tweaks.

Delinquent Teens v2.5 - Updated for patch changes. Minor tweaks.

Divergent Sims v3.6- Updated for patch changes. Tweaked the rate of addiction and neurodivergence.

Dynamic Teen Life v2.4 - Updated for patch changes. Minor tweaks.

Errant Thoughts v1.5- Update for missing checks for adventure fulfillment.

Freelance Chef v3.4 - Updated for patch changes.

Healthcare Redux 7.7 - Updated for patch changes.

Pet Care Activities v1.9- Updated for Horses. Now your Horses can go to the groomers, stay at the stables, go on rides with you or with other jockeys, and also board at the stables for those times when you want a horse but don't want to maintain their care. Stable boarded horses are removed from your family but can at anytime come visit you or be returned back to their owners and have their boarding severed.

Preteen Mod v1.6 - Updated for patch changes.

SimNation Travel v6.5 - Updated to add support for Tomarang, which counts as a travel destination.

Patreon Updates

Divergent Sims v4.2 - Updated for patch changes.

Tweaked the rate of addiction and neurodivergence.

Added in-patient mental health treatment programs for Depression, PTSD, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, and Personality Disorders. They last for 3 days similar to Rehab. Your Sim will come back either fully recovered from these conditions or in the final stages of Recovery for these conditions. Members of the family can visit sims in the rehab or mental health treatment center.

Added new option to force Sims in treatment centers and rehab to come home.

Healthcare Redux v8.2 - Updated for patch changes. Mod menu now available by clicking on Sims.

Added menopause for adults and elders as well as copper IUDs as birth control and as emergency contraception into the Gynecology module. These are compatible and integrated with the newest versions of RPO and WW.

Added genetic markers which raise or lower the risk of certain disorders and conditions based on inherited genetics, i.e. certain disorders will now run in families. When diagnosed, the Sim will be informed if they have a family history. For Sims who already have conditions, they won't know until they go to the genetic counselor. At this time, the counselor will only tell you if a condition runs in your family.

In the future, I want to add one or two genetic disorders. Right now, this is not related to blood type, but in the future it might be. I keep going back and forth on whether inherited blood types are worth the logical trouble but might just add them and not based blood types on inherited genetics but rather randomly. Let me know if you even want them.


So as I've been saying for months, I'm working on my Elder mod pack. I plan to release this later in the month.

I'm not married to the name (Golden Years Elder Mod Pack) so if you have a better one DM me and let me know! As of now the mod encompasses 6 Brand New Aspirations, Consulting Opportunities, Phone Calls from Family and Community Members for Elders Asking for Advice or Expertise for Interviews, Sitting on Panels, Life Advice, Writing Memoirs, Elder Specific Wants, Volunteer Career Opportunities, New Hobby Activities, 3 Geriatric Medical Conditions, Estate Planning, Senior Center, Retirement Home, and Nursing Home options.

I'm also working on a little project with PandaSama that we hope to have to you sometime early next year. I'll let you know a little bit more about that in the new year!



hey how do I reverse the menopause, sometimes it automatically triggers and I don't want to remove the gynaecology module but I don't don't want it triggering without my permission so how do I reverse it when it happens


you cannot. I don't know how many places I need to answer this question; it's borderline harassing.


oh I am sorry I didn't know you have gotten this question a lot, I am new to this kinda mod so idk I am sorry once again


I had a question so with the IUD is there an option where you can have it removed if you change your mind and want to have kids again ?