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Requires the General Pie menu and Mood Pack.

Recent Updates

It seems the in-patient stay was missing from the menu options. It has been restored. Therapy and support groups were also updated to accommodate a cancer diagnosis from HCR.

Upcoming Updates

In terms of version 6, I'm much closer to the venue working as intended but I keep hitting various technical snags of one sort or another. Since it's something new to me I'm both learning more but also hitting more walls since I don't always know what went wrong and have to spend a lot of time investigating and troubleshooting various scenarios which makes it take longer. So the active therapy portions of Divergent Sims are, unfortunately, still not ready yet but I am constantly and actively working on them.

Previous Updates

Fixed an issue with self-esteem inadvertently causing addiction. Added in-patient mental health treatment programs for Depression, PTSD, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, and Personality Disorders. They last for 3 days similar to Rehab. Your Sim will come back either fully recovered from these conditions or in the final stages of Recovery for these conditions. Members of the family can visit sims in the rehab or mental health treatment center.

Added the ability for genetics to pay a part in the proclivity of some sims towards specific neurological and mental health conditions. This will affect both which conditions are more likely to occur in sims and which conditions their offspring are more likely to get. This is not as pronounced as it is in HCR as there's a much lower correlation between genetics and mental health conditions but for the sake of the mod it exists.




As an autistic person, I honestly personally hate the term 'gifted'...it feels condescending and feeds into unhelpful stereotypes of what autism is. It also feels alienating to those autistic people who are not afforded the label of 'gifted'. I undertstand that this was requested by others in the community, but I would implore you and others to do a bit more research into the history of the term (think aspergers). I otherwise really love this mod and have loved being able to have neurodivergent sims in my game!


Hello. It was requested to make a specific Gifted trait. That is what I made based on the feedback of others who define themselves in that label, not all of whom in any way identify as Autistic. Gifted education is not tied simply to Autism; many neurotypical people have been considered Gifted. It was not in any way tied to the Autism trait anymore than Schizophrenia was tied to the Autism trait; they simply happen to be part of the same mod that attempts to bring neurodivergence and mental health to the Sims 4 in as many forms as I felt realistic and possible within the parameters of a video game. It was not meant to encapsulate nor was any part of this mod meant to encapsulate or reflect everyone's experience or personal feelings because that's an impossible task for a video game mod. But I certainly hear your feedback and appreciate you sharing them. Thank you and I hope you continue to enjoy playing with the mod!


Thank you very much for your hard work! Your mods add a great deal of enjoyment to the game.


well said!! Can't please everyone.