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Requires the General Pie menu and Mood Pack.

Recent Updates

July 30- Updated for patch changes. Updated to fix some issues with cancer and treatment sessions. Added new cheats related specifically to the cancer feature. Make sure your Mood Pack is the most recent July version, v1.674, it was updated today!

June 30 -The mod was updated for missing menu option for postsurgical complications. Updated to make basketball sprained ankle and falling off a horse injuries more serious. Updated to add support groups for those with chronic illness as well as for parents including those with PPD. Updated to work with SimCare Medicaid. Other minor updates.

The largest update was the addition of Cancer to Healthcare Redux. There are six cancers (Breast, Colon, Lymphoma, Leukemia, Melanoma, and Prostate) which can affect ages child-elder, though like with many cancers some are more prone to certain ages, genders, and health statues. Only 2 cancers (Lymphoma and Leukemia) are available to teens and children, the other four are YAE only. You can cheat cancer to add or remove it. Only cancers for which your sims are eligible for are available. Milestones have also been added for this module.

How cancer works is as follows:

  • Sims have a small chance to get cancer during their lifetimes.

  • Sims, depending on the type of cancer, can be asymptomatic or symptomatic but usually there are symptoms though they may be slow building.

  • Cancer, once a sim has it, is not permanent. It is, in fact, in confines of this module, deadly if not caught at all or too late and if left untreated. Each stage lasts roughly two days. Once a Sim is diagnosed, they will remain in the stage in which they were diagnosed, but how aggressive the cancer is varies and while relate, it is separate from the stage. Cancer on its own lasts roughly 7 days before it becomes terminal but treatments slow down and can reverse its progression.

  • Sims can go to the doctor if they suspect something or are symptomatic. If diagnosed, the doctor will tell your sim what type of cancer they have, what stage it was discovered at, and what treatment options they recommend based on the type of cancer, how aggressive it is (this is separate from the stage!), and the stage. Your sim has the option to follow the treatment plan or refuse treatment. If they refuse, they can change their mind.

  • Treatment options consist of active surveillance, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery and/or a combination of two treatments. Once a sim has completed the full treatment plan they can check back in with the oncologist to assess how well the treatment plan managed the cancer. For some sims, it is enough to go into partial or complete remission while for others they might be cancer free. For some unlucky few, they might have to undergo a different or additional treatment. For some, there may be nothing else to be done.

  • Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy are not one-time treatments, but rather 3 sessions which happen over the course of 9 days. Each session has an affect on the Sim's cancer but how much varies on the type of cancer, aggressiveness of the cancer, and how advanced it is (the stage).

  • Surgery is a single treatment in which a sim goes to surgery and then recovery. After which they either can go to the oncologist for the follow up scans or must complete either radiation or chemotherapy before the oncologist takes final scans. For Breast cancer, depending on the aggressiveness of the cancer and the stage it was discovered, for most Sims they will be able to keep their breasts after surgery but for some Sims, they might need to have a double mastectomy for the best outcome.

  • Active Surveillance means that your sim has checkups with the oncologist every 3 days to make sure the cancer hasn't spread or become more advanced and thus requires a change in treatment.

  • There may be cases where a sim goes into complete remission during treatment and therefore does not need to continue treatments. If they go into partial remission, they will need to finish their treatment plan but after that should need no more treatments.

  • Sims can only be considered cancer free by the oncologist after 5 days in complete remission with no recurrence.

  • For some Sims in remission, they can experience a recurrence where there cancer comes back even during complete remission. This is somewhat rare but it can happen especially for late stage colon, prostate, and breast cancers.

  • Sims have new socials where they can talk about their cancer diagnosis, going into remission, and becoming cancer-free.

  • Sims can go to the therapy here in this mod, the same way they can for postpartum depression and can attend the new cancer support group

  • Sims with cancer can also use the integrated features from Divergent Sims to utilize the therapy and support group options in that mod if DS is installed and updated.

Please remember there is a new REQUIRED File for Healthcare Redux (v10) and new medication: There's a new package which contains files that are NOT needed if Healthy Living are installed but IS REQUIRED if it is not which changes how Diabetes and Hypertension as well as their respective pregnancy complications as well as Divergent Sim self-esteem and eating disorder recovery are handled by food and drink. There's a new medication as well so replace all files that you use and redownload all the medications that come included with the mod.

Previous Updates

  • Physical Therapy: After a major injury (broken bone requiring a cast) or certain types of surgery, your sim's doctor can recommend your sim for physical therapy. They will have 3-4 physical therapy sessions which are tracked and they will be reminded to go. Their recovery will be negatively or positively impacted by how consistent their physical therapy attendance is.

  • Surgery Complications: After surgery, your sim will need to follow up with their doctor for a postoperative follow up. After surgery, your sim can also experience some postoperative symptoms apart from pain. They are also at risk for postsurgical complications which can include anything from a UTI to an Infection to Sepsis to Blood Clots and more. These complications can be temporary if dealt with in a timely manner or if more mild or they can lead to larger, chronic complications depending on how long it takes to deal with them or what they are.

  • New Illnesses: Influenza and Pneumonia. These start out as mild, contagious viruses but they have the potential to become serious illnesses which can become deadly depending on risk factors (age, health conditions, recent illness, etc.). You can be vaccinated against them but remember vaccination in the mod is temporary; you must keep up with immunizations. Please be aware than infants through elders can die from either of these diseases if the death disabler is not installed.

  • Malaria and Tuberculosis Changes: I loved a request and so I put it in the mod. If you have both SimNation Travel and HCR installed then your sims will only have a chance to get Malaria when traveling to Selvadorada and will only get the changes to get Tuberculosis when traveling to a handful of international locations if not a resident in that region. If you only have HCR installed you could roll one of those as an option whenever your sim is capable of contracting an illness. They are both deadly diseases when contracted, though!

  • New Required File: There's a new package which contains files that are NOT needed if Healthy Living are installed but IS REQUIRED if it is not which changes how Diabetes and Hypertension as well as their respective pregnancy complications as well as Divergent Sim self-esteem and eating disorder recovery are handled by food and drink.

  • Other Changes:  Almost all soups in the game (ramen, matzo ball, burmese, chicken noodle, and all teas) count towards home remedies for your sim in addition to orange juice and herbal teas, Car accidents/plane crashes are less likely when you have both SimNation and HCR installed than before and a new infant hospital interaction was created which was missing due to an oversight for their spawning; Acupuncture works for more situations than before including situations from Divergent Sims, more symptoms are available when your sim suffers from Kidney Disease, Migraines have different symptoms than before, Your sims will be able when in the final stages of deadly diseases be able to go to the hospital without first going to the doctor

  • Mod menu now available by clicking on Sims.

  • Added menopause for adults and elders as well as copper IUDs as birth control and as emergency contraception into the Gynecology module. These are compatible and integrated with RPO and WW.

  • Added genetic markers which raise or lower the risk of certain disorders and conditions based on inherited genetics, i.e. certain disorders will now run in families. When diagnosed, the Sim will be informed if they have a family history. For Sims who already have conditions, they won't know until they go to the genetic counselor. At this time, the counselor will only tell you if a condition runs in your family.

  • Added the ability for your child sims to get head lice from school which requires multiple shampoo treatments via the shower and a trait you can add to your pets (cats, dogs, and horses) to make them hypoallergenic so that even if you have pets and an animal dander allergy, your sim won't be affected by the pets which have the trait.




Hi, I really love this mod but I'm having issues with it lately since I updated my game, I'm not able to get my sim to interact with other sims when I have this mod in my game, whenever I click on another sim the pie menu for social interactions will not pop up. I have taken all my other mods out and just put this one in to see if it was conflicting with another mod but even with just this mod in the game it does the same thing.


i had the same thing happen to me and i found i had an old general pie menu installed i had to delete that and download the one in the link with this mod!


Having the same issue and i have checked for old pie menu etc and still isnt working for me either x

Patrick Meakins

can we make our sims deaf i need to for a storyline


Hello, I am trying to get in touch with you via discord. Nothing is working tho, please answer here! I have everything up to date. When I send a sims to the specialist as requested from moods & pop ups. The sims comes back without a diagnosis. I can send the sims back multiple times without a diagnosis. How do I fix this? It's been going on since the last update.


Just a heads-up from an actual deaf person, lipreading is like 300% more difficult than sign language. But thank you for this mod! I've had Dale's for a while, and I love it but it drove me crazy that only deaf sims could learn sign, or the fact that if you had one reward trait you couldn't have others. I personally use hearing aids AND sign AND lipreading.


Does anybody know how to have my sim learn Sim Sign Language? It says to use the computer, but I don't see this option popping up at all. Please help! Thank you

Deanna Dickerson

Hi, I have sim that has diabetes, but I never have the option to give her insulin once I click on her...also I never have the option to visit a doctor am I doing something wrong?


I'm afraid this is not working at all for me. I downloaded version 6.3 here as well as Lumpinou's mood pack and the general pie menu but the mod simply does not show in game - no phone option, no options under the action menu etc. I really loved the previous versions of this mod, any idea of what I might be doing wrong now?


If it doesn't show for you at all, that points to an incorrect installation. You'll need to delete the entire mod. There's a lot of tutorials out there on how to install script mods.