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Hi All,

Hope you're well. My mods should be fine for the most recent patch BUT there is a known EA bug that seems to llama some custom images/icons if you're playing on DirectX11 and my mods are probably not be immune. Since it's a cosmetic EA bug that affects some of their stuff here's hoping they fix it, though I think we should get a batch fix for S4S sometime, but let me know on Discord with a screenshot which icons, if any, you experience this with!

As I stated before my focus this month and early next month is updating my current mods with bug fixes and more features. I am also working on a new mod for June but I'm not ready to share it just, yet! When it and the new features for DS and HCR are done I'll post next unless some patch comes that breaks everything before then.

Public Updates

Connected Sims v1.7
Change how many invites come for Sims so less spammy. Remember your sims need friends to get these.

Cosmetic Enhancements v1.3
Minor tweaks.

Divergent Sims v5.5
Added in-patient mental health treatment programs for Depression, PTSD, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, and Personality Disorders. They last for 3 days similar to Rehab. Your Sim will come back either fully recovered from these conditions or in the final stages of Recovery for these conditions. Members of the family can visit sims in the rehab or mental health treatment center.

Added the ability for genetics to pay a part in the proclivity of some sims towards specific neurological and mental health conditions. This will affect both which conditions are more likely to occur in sims and which conditions their offspring are more likely to get. This is not as pronounced as it is in HCR as there's a much lower correlation between genetics and mental health conditions but for the sake of the mod it exists.

Errant Thoughts v1.7
Better cross mod compatibility, more nuance to which sims get which thoughts

Golden Years v1.6
Update doctor visit language as well as which visits counts as doctor visit, Fixed elder residents not spawning at residential care homes

Healthcare Redux  v9.6
Mod menu now available by clicking on Sims.

Added menopause for adults and elders as well as copper IUDs as birth control and as emergency contraception into the Gynecology module. These are compatible and integrated with RPO and WW.

Added genetic markers which raise or lower the risk of certain disorders and conditions based on inherited genetics, i.e. certain disorders will now run in families. When diagnosed, the Sim will be informed if they have a family history. For Sims who already have conditions, they won't know until they go to the genetic counselor. At this time, the counselor will only tell you if a condition runs in your family.

Added the ability for your child sims to get head lice from school which requires multiple shampoo treatments via the shower and a trait you can add to your pets (cats, dogs, and horses) to make them hypoallergenic so that even if you have pets and an animal dander allergy, your sim won't be affected by the pets which have the trait.

Healthy Living v1.7
Added more cross mod compatibility. Added an option to upgrade for higher quality meals.

Simulated Endings v1.7
Updated shared overrides to reflect Golden Years changes. Other fixes.

SimNation Travel v6.7
Minor tweaks and cross mod update compatibility with Patron version changes to Malaria and Tuberculosis from HCR if both mods installed

University Overhaul v5.8
Changed the threshold for rejection

Writing Career Overhaul v4.2
This was a major reconstruction of this mod and how it works behind the scenes but all of the steps remain the same in the original mod description. This should be a more straightforward and consistent process. Now if your sims get stuck and they don't have an agent they can still find out where they are in the book writing process so you always know what your next step should be. For Sims with agents, if your next step is something that you need something else for your agent can push you forward past other steps.

Patron Updates

Someone was confused so I'll reiterate but remember that all features in the public versions of mods are already in the patreon versions; additionally patron versions include unreleased features that are in testing. So everything above for HCR and DS has already been in the versions you've been using and the features below are new and not available to non-patrons. I appreciate you trying out the new features and letting me know how they actually work in gameplay before they're publicly released.

Divergent Sims v5.9

Fixed an issue with self-esteem inadvertently causing addiction. Because HCR took way longer than anticipated DS bigger feature updates will be released in June. What I am trying to accomplish are Active Group Therapy Sessions, a semi-Active Therapist Career, and a Therapy Center venue or lot trait. I know exactly how I want it to work; I just need to see if it, in fact, does in actuality. Since right now DS isn't something that happens to NPCs I also need to find a way to make them temporary patients. This will help me with HCR for other features planned around something similar.

Healthcare Redux v10.1

HCR received the biggest update it's had since v5 when it became modular. This took me so long and I'm not even finished with what I want to do but I'll save the second part for next month. I started working on cancer but didn't finish in time. It will be completed and released in June. I also am toying with the idea of an active component, maybe house calls, but I'm not going to go into specifics about that, yet. I hope to include these in the June update but we shall see since I have DS to finish as well.

What has been added in this month's update is as follows:

  • Physical Therapy: After a major injury (broken bone requiring a cast) or certain types of surgery, your sim's doctor can recommend your sim for physical therapy. They will have 3-4 physical therapy sessions which are tracked and they will be reminded to go. Their recovery will be negatively or positively impacted by how consistent their physical therapy attendance is.

  • Surgery Complications: After surgery, your sim will need to follow up with their doctor for a postoperative follow up. After surgery, your sim can also experience some postoperative symptoms apart from pain. They are also at risk for postsurgical complications which can include anything from a UTI to an Infection to Sepsis to Blood Clots and more. These complications can be temporary if dealt with in a timely manner or if more mild or they can lead to larger, chronic complications depending on how long it takes to deal with them or what they are.

  • New Illnesses: Influenza and Pneumonia. These start out as mild, contagious viruses but they have the potential to become serious illnesses which can become deadly depending on risk factors (age, health conditions, recent illness, etc.). You can be vaccinated against them but remember vaccination in the mod is temporary; you must keep up with immunizations. Please be aware than infants through elders can die from either of these diseases if the death disabler is not installed.

  • Malaria and Tuberculosis Changes: I loved a request and so I put it in the mod. If you have both SimNation Travel and HCR installed then your sims will only have a chance to get Malaria when traveling to Selvadorada and will only get the changes to get Tuberculosis when traveling to a handful of international locations if not a resident in that region. If you only have HCR installed you could roll one of those as an option whenever your sim is capable of contracting an illness. They are both deadly diseases when contracted, though!

  • New Required File and new medication: There's a new package which contains files that are NOT needed if Healthy Living are installed but IS REQUIRED if it is not which changes how Diabetes and Hypertension as well as their respective pregnancy complications as well as Divergent Sim self-esteem and eating disorder recovery are handled by food and drink. There's a new medication as well so replace all files that you use and redownload all the medications that come included with the mod.

  • Other Changes:  Almost all soups in the game (ramen, matzo ball, burmese, chicken noodle, and all teas) count towards home remedies for your sim in addition to orange juice and herbal teas, Car accidents/plane crashes are less likely when you have both SimNation and HCR installed than before and a new infant hospital interaction was created which was missing due to an oversight for their spawning; Acupuncture works for more situations than before including situations from Divergent Sims, more symptoms are available when your sim suffers from Kidney Disease, Migraines have different symptoms than before, Your sims will be able when in the final stages of deadly diseases be able to go to the hospital without first going to the doctor



i'm getting an error message the UI is broken for the following: dental, health redux, golden years and divergent - any help for this? thank you - i love your mods!


You’ll need to refer back to the installation instructions for those mods. You are missing or have an outdated version of a required mod dependency (the mood pack and/or general pie menus). If you are on DX11 you can refer to above; my mod images don't currently support DX11.


I uninstalled and reinstalled- will check if I am on DX11. The error I was getting was my sims weren’t picking up their infant, everything else was working fine before I noticed this error. Thanks for the help.


I did a vanilla game with just those mods, the general pie menu, and a redownloaded mood pack and had no problems interacting with my infant so it's something happening on your end, but I am still on DX9. You can go to discord to try to figure out why you're having an issue and we can try some basic troubleshooting (vanilla, mods only, etc). The only thing that concerns the UI in those mods are buffs that use the mood pack which is why I suggest you redownload that mod and make sure you have no old duplicates of it in your mods folder.

Sam D.

Just a thought (and you may already have this in HCR, I just haven't run across it yet!), but could injuries (sprains, broken bones, head injuries) occur after falls in skiing/snowboarding, rock climbing and horse riding? There are visible falls and they can get sore and hurt- but actual injuries here would be SO logical! Thank you for the updates.


The HCR updates sound great! Thank you for the surgery complications 😊, and the physical therapy is interesting!!


Hi, Im a new member and this is my first time using this mod. Im getting a message that my sim have to greenlit the publication, but I can’t find the option anywhere in the pie menu.


These updates sound so great! I'm so excited to have the writing mod back. Thank you for all of your hard work, you're amazing. :)


The mod description is posted here: https://adeepindigomods.itch.io/writing-and-writer-career-overhaul. All options are under the writing menu on the computer or the business/work menu on the phone.


Thank you


There is no options on the phone menu, computer menu or the mailbox and it says that I don’t have any current gigs? I have done all of the other steps.


Then something about your installation is incorrect if you have absolutely no options in any of the menus.,


Oh I hope you enjoy them. I did try to do a range of mildly annoying but not serious to serious leading to chronic issues. I also saw your comment about preemies for CB mod and that's something Panda and I have already discussed - health issues that could arise from premature birth, etc. so that will come on my end once that feature is more fleshed out, so to speak, on her side.

Sam D.

Yeah, not every time but a chance of them. Thank you!


Notice a problem with divergent sims where my sims can get the referral to go to inpatient and it'll say I have 48 hours to admit them or the slot will be gone. But there's no option anywhere to actually send them to the psych ward/rehab in the services menu. Am I looking in the wrong place?


Everything is working lovely now. USER ERROR. I uninstalled, played game without old installs, and reinstalled the new files. Thank you so much for your timely responses, couldn't play without your Mods! <3

Niamh Cara

i can’t seem to find the option to get my sim to actually go to the mental health treatment centre. i get the notification that they have 48 hours to go but i can’t locate the option to make them go. am i missing something?


I have a problem with the Mod Writing Career Overhaul v4.2 I constantly get MMC notifications, I'll send you a photo.


Again can I tell you how much I love these Mods!!

Kenaysha Clemons

Hiii , i’m not sure if i have something wrongly installed in my game but physical therapy says “ go to gynecologist”

Lauren Usher

Hey! I love your mods! I'm having a bizarre issue where, after the latest patch, my sim became unemployed. He was in the education career. The education career sims to have vanished and has been replaced with "professor." When my sim joins that and tries to go to work, the game crashes. I have no other mods that affect school in my game other than yours. I use kuttoe's mods (with the education module removed from career overhaul) and mccc. Thanks for any help you can provide!

Caja Moffite

How do I access your discord, I'm experiencing issues with your mod?


Please let me know when you figure it out, I checked the discord but I have an unofficial version and part of the rules on the server is I can't ask troubleshooting questions for unofficial downloads of the game


Im getting a be error for education overall core package

Vanessa Jackson

if you find out please let me know I can't get living healthy or dental to show up in my game

Judy Maher

Quick question, when I use the healthcare redux mod, when I go to action / medical emergency/ and want to click on hemmerage the word is greyed out, so I can no longer select. Any Suggestions.? Thank you. 😊


It means that Sim isn't eligible to cheat that disease/condition/etc. Only Sims who have recently given birth can cheat a post-birth hemorrhage.

Judy Maher

Hmm, the sim I tried with definitely had just given birth. The kidney disease and car accident was also greyed out. Thanks for getting back to me. I really appreciate it.


Yeah if any options are greyed out it means the sim does not meet an eligibility requirement and thus that option is not an option for them.

Daenerys July Queen

I have a question about the healthcare redux update . when a sim find out they have cancer will they able to share that with other sims? And also attend support groups to cope with their diagnosis?


So I had to go back and check but basically anytime your sim is doing any time of physical skill (skiing, skating, snowboarding, working out, even woohoo) they have a chance of getting one of those injuries so that's already in HCR. The snow sports injuries are already pretty serious and in fact inspired the mod injuries but I did update the basketball sprained ankle to actually be a sprained ankle which affects a sim's gait and ability to walk and falling off a horse to be a longer and more serious injury.

Sam D.

I feel like you have HCR running SO well now. The tuning is great- things occur with variety but not annoyingly often, cheats are very thoughtful, and it just is running great. I had a sim get one of these injuries from skiing and it was SO realistic, with the limp and how much it impacted his life. He owned a huge ranch and could not do any chores, had to get relatives to stay to do the ranch chores while he recovered. Really great job on how you've grown and refined this mod- it gets better and better.

C. Schütt

my Sims can't go to Chemotherapy or the Oncologist

Sam D.

They can share the diagnosis with other sims and they can go to a support group.


My sim has tuberculosis and the antibiotics and has taken them. Now says becomes deadly in 24 hours. Is it a chance they don't get cured? I can't go back to Dr or hospital.


Remember they only last 3 days. If you've taken the antibiotics your sim's infection will be over soon. The antibiotics don't completely remove the disease, they just slow it down and take some time off of how long it lasts on the whole. Your sim will get better before they get to the dying of disease part. And if you do happen to get the dying of disease buff you can go back to the doctor when that buff changes.

Heidi Lunde

Hi! I've been using the free version of healthcare redux for a while and recently joined your patreon becuase I love it so much. Last night Better Exceptions UI Exception Report notified me that adeepindigo_gameplaymods_HealthcareRedux_CORE_Required.package is a broken interaction mod. I've deleted everything from the old mod, downloaded the newest version with the pie menu and mood mod. Any advice? I can't click on people to interact wit them now :(