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Hey guys!

I have been hard at work getting the details worked out for next month and it seems we have just reached our #3rd goal! Expect the artwork for that to come soon.

I have not forgot about the raffle for the #2nd goal. That is still happening. In fact, I'll let you know the details on that this Thursday!

As for next month expect more Cody artwork as he's the next character I'm focusing on for exploratory sketches and drawings. Also the Woofer tier Rule 34 poll theme for next month has been decided on and that poll will be posted on the 1st. As a hint: It is a video game franchise which will have another installment next month, so to coincide with its release, that will be the poll's theme.

Again, to everyone, thanks, for making my first month of Patreon a good one. I really appreciate all of your support! 

See ya next month!


Yoked Coder

Yasss Cody! Yasss