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As determined by a coin flip.

Apologies for everyone who was hoping for the bard to win. Please note though that he'll be up for grabs in November's poll - and will likely clear it, given how popular he is!

All going well, I might be able to work in his appearance in the prologue in October, since that'll drastically reduce the workload for the month afterward. We'll see!

Main focus will be Tia, though. This means BONUS SCENE POLL. She will have unawareish unbirth, anal vore, and unaware paw endings as standard. But one very special scene (in addition to the regular unawareish variant) will be aware ... which means that she'll be stuffing you in one these places herself. This will either be anal vore or unbirth.

Pick your poison!

I will have a bunch of commissions to post up on the 30th of this month. Like, three if not four of them. Things have been quiet this month because I've got lots of things very close to being complete. They will be soon, so ... expect them very soon! Like ... 48 hours soon.

More will be coming around the beginning of October, too ... and more through the month! Yay!

So, stories aplenty, basically. As for the next update of Tinier Furry, I will have a more concrete date for everyone on that soon - but, as per the new update schedule, expect it before the end of October!

Happy voting!



It's only fair Tia wins the tie. She is a TI-ger, after all. She's grrrrrreat! I may have voted for birdy boy, but I'm still quite happy with this.