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Hi everyone! Poll and a quicky announcement. Poll first!


There hasn't been a poll for Tinier Furry In A Huger World in a bit! Why? Because despite the fact that there's lots of stuff to poll, I might not be implementing it into the game for a little bit. There's outstanding content that needs to be put in, after all.

I'm wondering if people miss polls - they're pretty great, after all - so I've been thinking the past day or so on how to possibly get 'em flowing more frequently.

Run polls as/when applicable to content updates
This means that when I'm a week or two away from working on v0.2 (or whatever) then I'll poll things applicable to that update. This is how things work now, and it has a couple of advantages to it!

- Polls are always relevant
- Content doesn't feel like it's hugely far behind
- Current patrons feel like they're making decisions toward the thing that is being worked on rather than what's being polled in the future

On the downside, it means
- Less polls
- The shape of the game is less defined

Run polls for areas that will be implemented in the future sooner
This means that I will run polls sooner - for example, if this option wins, then I'd start polling future Tinier Furry implementations as soon as next week. This will include future v0.1 content and stuff that will be in v0.2 (for example, the area that I'm going to putting in the game next, the character's species and gender that will inhabit it, their personal backstory/ambition, etc)

On the upside, this means
- More frequent polls. which are exciting
- Patrons get a better feeling of the game and it's future
- I can tease new areas and characters and stuff in current writing

On the downside, it means
- Newer patrons might feel slightly behind (I'll do my best to catch them up by giving rundowns/catch-ups)
- Content might feel behind (why are you polling the next place when the tavern isn't complete yet)

That's pretty much it! 


Slight note on update schedule. I know I said that it would be a bit more freewheeled from now on - but I have decided that in many ways I need the culpability - the schedule - in order to be able to work efficiently.

With that in mind, that means that a preview for either A Tiny Furry In A Huge World or A Tinier Furry In A Huger World (working title, maybe I oughta poll that) will be coming EVERY OTHER MONDAY. This might be Monday afternoon ... or 'Monday after midnight'. Really depends on how much I need to do before launch. Either way, Monday day or Tuesday early morning ... that's going to be the deadline from now. This should help a lot with productivity from now on.  

To make things abundantly clear, then, I will be posting the next A Tiny Furry In A Huge World preview on Monday 7th. This will feature new commissioned content for Miles/Andy, Mike, and new stuff with Vincent. Following that, I will post the final version of Tiny Furry v1.2 on Monday 21st. From that point on, I will be working on A Tinier Furry In A Huge World until v0.1 is completed. Commissions will be peppered throughout all of this.

These are achievable goals. The past couple of months, I've been missing deadlines on game updates by a couple of days every now and then. As much as I know everyone doesn't mind, this is something that I'd rather avoid (it's a bit of a personal bummer) and by doing this and giving myself plenty of time between updates (while still keeping my fortnightly Patreon commitment) will lead to a brighter, happier, working me.


Happy voting! I'll keep this one running until midnight Monday. Depending on the result, there might be another poll not long afterward!


Raruke (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-30 17:45:24 Polls are awesome. They make us feel involved and I think everyone loves tossing their spice into the salad. It's hecking fun XD Only concern for me would be that if you poll things far ahead, you might get an awesome idea about it later on. You would have to poll again, or drop it. Dunno what people think about repolling stuff >.<
2021-06-05 15:36:16 Polls are awesome. They make us feel involved and I think everyone loves tossing their spice into the salad. It's hecking fun XD Only concern for me would be that if you poll things far ahead, you might get an awesome idea about it later on. You would have to poll again, or drop it. Dunno what people think about repolling stuff >.<

Polls are awesome. They make us feel involved and I think everyone loves tossing their spice into the salad. It's hecking fun XD Only concern for me would be that if you poll things far ahead, you might get an awesome idea about it later on. You would have to poll again, or drop it. Dunno what people think about repolling stuff >.<