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So! I'm not sure exactly what kicked it off, but I've been dabbling in music creation the past month or so. I started out buying a bunch of synthesizers and messing with those, got frustrated with the limitations and "live jam" nature of them (especially in regards to sequencing/creating tracks), returned them all and finally decided to see what else was out there.

This song was my first real attempt with a program called PixiTracker, a free (and $3 on mobile) tracker that served as a great introduction to how this all works! There's a lot of powerful features in it, and it let me write things on the go, which was a big help with my busy schedule. And it's a lot of fun to play around with all on it's own. X3 Trackers in general really seem to vibe with how I work, because I lack the technical knowledge to improv an entire segment of music, but putting in notes one by one and adjusting accordingly just feels more natural to me, while also allowing me to do that free-form playing if I so choose. It almost feels like how I draw: getting a basic form down and chiseling out details here and there like I'm a sculptor!

So here's my first attempt at something resembling a song! Inspired by a lot of silly things: dungeon synth, a recent bout of fantasy shows (Delicious in Dungeon!), and the idea of "what would it sound like for a set of goblins to sneak into your kitchen in the middle of the night and start a band?" Maybe I was channeling the gorilla scene from Tarzan, I dunno. XD Regardless, it's not bad for someone with zero knowledge of music theory and only having played trumpet before, haha.

Expect more of this! I've been slowly learning so I've got like 4 other songs already...And not all of them are dungeon synth, honest! My apologies that the mixing is all over the place on these coming ones, I didn't learn about how to balance things until, uhh...Yesterday. X3 So bear with me!

Also working on a character to represent this new aspect of myself, so hopefully will have that soon~



This is pretty neat! One day you'll make a video game and create a super cool theme song!