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CW: Pictures may include digestion!

It was Frosty's birthday the other day, and for it he wanted to celebrate with some good friends and food! Or just good food, as the case may be. X3 Had some issues with Piczel and had to move to Picarto, but it eventually worked out and I managed to get this set all sketched out on stream! Cleaned them up and finally getting around to posting them...Posted in the order they were worked on in stream!

First up is a silly meta idea of streaming Ante being digested while streaming which...I probably had too much fun with the references and text and layout. X3 I spent waaaay too long on this one, haha. ♥

Next up is Eden! Delicious mooglebunny that seems quite adept at filling out a kitty's curves...He's a natural!

Jahan is next, for as long as he lasts...You are what you eat, right? So since he's being eaten by Frosty, I guess he's still gonna be a cute kitty! X3

And finally, Zara is learning just how hungry a chee's been, as he caps off his feast with all that wuff he's packing away~ Trust me, he's quite good at it!

Thank you everyone for coming and helping me celebrate a close friend like this, I think the night went great. ♥

Ante (c) themselves
Eden (c) himself
Jahan (c) himself
Zara (c) herself

I'll update these to proper links if people would like!




Happy belated birthday to the Chee


happy birthday to frosty looks like it went rather well~