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Yes, I'm still having fun with this idea... XD

The past week, I've had to do a bunch of furnace repair which, if I'd not mentioned it before, has been a consistent theme around winter every year for the past few years! To the point that I've basically rebuilt the furnace from the ground up by now. I know it almost top to bottom, haha. The latest incident involved replacing old wiring with new, better insulated wires and connectors.

Imagining the wuff having to do similar, and since Oreo was still hanging about, Forest decided to get his help with it~ Those scent hands come in, uh, handy! If he keeps reading the instructions like that though, he's gonna be a wuff's "helper" for another week at least. X3

Oreo (c) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/caudle



Levina Bellerose

At least Oreo is being helpful.~ Unlike some tummy tenants who just take up space until they melt into wuff fat.


...I, for one, would like to see Forest go in there. :3


Almost looks like some endo. Very nice work