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It's come up multiple times before, but when it comes to sheer hunger, Forest juuust edges out Fomo in terms of "most ravenous". Sure, Fomo is hungry 90% of the time so he'll scarf down whoever, but Forest keeps that same hunger under wraps for longer, until it just bubbles over in such a clear, pure desire he basically becomes a different person until he satisfies it. More wolf than wuff at that point, haha.

This was based off of a random comment on my server, about someone having a horde of bunnies to do...Something with. I'll admit, I can't exactly recall cause the comment made the wuff in me drool and I ended up drawing this in a few minutes to tease with, lol. I've cleaned it up a bit more to share here! I really like how the teeth turned out on this, I'm really gonna need to do them more like this from now on, they're not super detailed, but just detailed enough I think...But anyway! Enjoy a wuff about to really indulge~




Something something…. 13 million bunnies?


Mmm, rabbet Time for a magic trick, make them all disappear before your very eyes!