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Hey, remember Bee?  Remember how we left her with Anom a few comics ago?

Remember how he remembered that he's dressed as Forest, who looooves bunnies?

Bee remembers. X3

Also: Oops, looks like Fomo messed up... XD  Might be a lil bit too late there to change it too, haha.  Just play it cool, maybe she won't notice...?

Had fun with this one!




Oh man...better hope that mousie innocence pays off.


There are some very good things on this page.


what a nice Bee-hind we're seeing there! I think Fomo might be Feline a bit full. Purr-haps he's made a mistake. Cat seems to have his tongue. ... I'll see myself out

Drake Hillside

Whelp, the next page is gonna be fun to read. XD Depending on that "Wuff" is now in the middle of some nomming and the mousie is either gonna have to explain where Alice sister went or play it off ~ Either way, very curious about how this will go ~ ;P


Woof, nice upskirt.