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Happy Valentine's Day! My husband, Milk, wrote this Enokan fic a while ago that was for *my eyes only* but he's decided he wants to share so he's allowing me to post the link here~ *///v///* I am so grateful for this meal he's given me and I hope you all enjoy it as well!


Ryder x Jeriko x Ragnok [NSFW]
cw: hint of blood, Ragnok and Ryder are brothers but they don't do anything sexual towards eachother as they focus entirely on Jeriko

A sudden rain storm leaves Ryder, Ragnok, and Jeriko stranded in the Enokan wilderness. They manage to set up camp, but it's difficult trying to stay warm with the constant drizzle of rain soaking everything through... :'(



With a few deft strikes, some of the parchment scraps and kindling caught an ember. As quick as he could, Ryder came low to the ground, resting his chest against the wet stone floor, pushing his face near parallel to the small ember so that he may blow life into the glimpse of a fire. Jeriko watched Ryder’s face as he sucked in sharp breaths to blow gently on the glowing ember - and when it finally caught, Ryder’s hoot of triumph was enough to spread a crooked grin across Jeriko’s face.

Ryder drew himself back up to sit on his haunches, grinning over the tiny fire at Jeriko. The flames brought out a golden shine across the hunter’s body, from his damp hair across his forehead to his beard and chest hair - Jeriko couldn’t stand that either. “Hopefully I have enough to keep this alive before Nok gets back with more wood… if he even got any, that is.”

With a huff, Jeriko pulled himself from the center of the pile of gear, still gingerly wrapped in the bear pelt. Ryder watched as he came closer to the fire, taking note of how delicately Jeriko placed himself on the cold floor, so that bare skin would be covered by the thick fur draped around his body. “Ragnok is liar and idiot. He out fucking trees, not getting wood.”

Ryder couldn’t help but laugh, a deep rumble in his chest that caused the hair on the back of Jeriko’s neck to stand up. Ryder could only nod in reply as his laughter faded, surprised at how snarky the imp could be.

And so they sat under the rocky overhang, protected from the worsening rain by one of Enok’s gifts - stone walls and cliff sides that created natural barriers from the elements. This silence, unlike the one before, was not as tense. There was a comfort, sitting and listening to the rain and the tiny snaps of the fire between them.

Yet, despite the seemingly calm between the two, Jeriko was anything but. The cold began to creep back in through the bottoms of his hoofed feet, and through his butt despite the bear skin beneath him. A light shiver overcame him as he continued to watch Ryder from the corner of his eye. He watched as rain dripped from the larger man’s hair, how the front of his shirt was damp and clinging to his chest after pressing himself against Enok’s stones to bring warmth to the small space. It was more than Jeriko could handle, and acting purely on instinct, he found himself urging closer to the hunter.