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here, have a spiny longboy * v*


side note: I just want to apologize for the lack of comic updates. The world is on fire and I feel like I've been in full on disassociation mode for the past two weeks. That being said, I really want to kick my ass back into gear and draw more, even if it's little illustrations like this one

Doing comics requires a lot of mental capacity and everything's been so overwhelming lately that I feel like my brain short circuits every time I try to get some progress done. On top of that, for Enokan I ended up scrapping the next scene at the last minute so I'm reworking the writing a little bit. I'm going to do my best to have comics updating regularly again in April but I'll post what I can for the rest of this month~

I hope you all can understand and thank you so much for your support even through all of what's happening in the world. My husband and I are doing ok healthwise and social distancing is kind of the norm for us, haha;;; I hope you all are holding up as well as you can!




Make sure you take care of yourself first!!


Your health should always come first!! I’m so sorry that the current everything is ruining your health. Stay safe and stay healthy, both of you!


LOVE HIM! Also, rest your brain, but we miss you~☆


Same boat, friendo, take care of yourself! 💙


Totally understandable! You take care of yourself as best you can in this craziness


This boy gunna be the next sticker lol


take care of urself!


much love apollo and remy 💚💚💚💚


Hey, you take your time okay? You need to take care of yourself first. Also I'd feel weird if I didn't try to comfort you. I don't think the world is on fire...more like a slow boil. As someone who's tried to commit suicide only a few days ago, sometimes it's a change of perspective that can mean everything. I'm glad I didn't fully go through with it because we as a species are learning a lot right now. The places where the outbreak began are slowly returning to normal and smart people are seeing the effects of us staying home. It's a really tough time but we're all together on this fight. Things do get better. For every rainy day,​ there's a nice sunny one to follow. You've gotta put yourself first right now though. Your fear and anxiety are valid and you deserve to feel safe and secure. I'm sorry if this seems like a ramble but I felt compelled to share considering I'm struggling on my end as well.


Okay, I'm not the one who really react here. To tell the truth, it's my first time putting any commentary ('cause I just always forget to login but still give each month and following you trough others media) but hey, don't blame yourself ! Just take a big breath and relax. Plus, it's not the moment to make you feel even more bad right now. You need to focus on yourself and your ealth, and your family and accountainces. You make a great job, so don't stress yourself out that much ! You've always made so much, just give it a beack and enjoy for yourself. Take care and all support to you. ♡ (*Well, I'm very sorry for my bad english, 'not my native language, lol. At least I hope I was clear (understable) enough to share my thoughts and supportive vibes with you. /o/ Thank you for your always hard and great work !)