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What are Upgrades? Upgrades are what happen when uncolored/unpolished content such as sketches or WIPs (Work In Progress) are turned into fully colored drawings.


Poll rules:

  • I'll upgrade one content from the poll.
  • If there are ties, the order of suggestion prevails (entries are numbered by submission order)
  • Some suggestions have received bonuses, these are indicated between square brackets. [XX%] means the suggestion will have its poll votes increased by XX%. [+XX] means the suggestion will receive a flat amount of bonus votes, carried from previous polls.
  • Votes are weighted depending on the voter's tier : 1 for the Chubby Tier, 4 for the Plus Size Tier, 9 for the Super Size Tier, but these weights aren't visible in the poll below

Once the voting period of two days is over, I'll announce the results.


Bailey G

It's simple. I see Rena, I vote Rena.