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What are Sequels? Sequels are continuations of existing character drawings, ideally reusing the same context when possible, but with the main character drawn a size above. An originally chubby character will be drawn at plus size, a plus size character at super size, a super size character at ultra size, and an ultra size character at an undetermined but bigger size.


Poll rules:

  • I'll draw one sequel from the poll.
  • If there are ties, the order of suggestion prevails (entries are numbered by submission order).
  • Some suggestions have received bonuses, these are indicated between square brackets. [XX%] means the suggestion will have its poll votes increased by XX%. [+XX] means the suggestion will receive a flat amount of bonus votes, carried from previous polls.
  • Votes are weighted depending on the voter's tier : 1 for the Chubby Tier, 4 for the Plus Size Tier, 9 for the Super Size Tier, but these weights aren't visible in the poll below.

Once the voting period of two days is over, I'll announce the results.



Please draw all of them, these characters look so adorable in your art style🥰🥰🥰

Bigby Lies

I completely missed the suggestions post last month for this. Hopefully I'll catch it next time