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Hi all,

A couple weeks ago I talked about some of the changes I wanted to introduce this year on my Patreon (there: https://www.patreon.com/posts/once-again-for-78114388). Since then I've reworked my plan a little, what has allowed me to take your feedbacks into account, among other things. I'll now detail the new plan, and ask for your preferred (new) schedule at the end of this post!

Sketch queues

I wanted more patrons to use their suggestion power, and still want more patrons to use their suggestion power. I've come up with this new but not very original way to do this: sketch queues.

Queues are character suggestions tied to a size (chubby, plus size, super size, ultra size) that are suggested in a dedicated post. They're an alternative way to suggest characters for patrons who don't want their suggestion to go through a poll, or think it'll be faster to go through a queue than a poll.

The mechanic behind sketch queues is the following: every time a queue suggestion post is created and that a character is suggested there, it gains a point. As long as the character is suggested in consecutive posts, it remains in the queue. When it reaches the top of the queue, I sketch it. As simple as that.

Suggestion support

If you recall the feedback post, I mentionned the possibility to support another patron's suggestion, what received positive feedbacks. This new mechanic will be added to both polls and queues, and will work the following way: a poll suggestion will be granted 10% bonus votes per support, while a queue suggestion will receive an extra point per support.

Coloring polls

One of the new poll I want to introduce this year is the coloring poll, a poll to vote for a sketch to color. Which will go hand in hand with the new sketch queue, the sketches I draw from the theme poll and occasional stream, as well as the WIP pics I share from time to time.

Sequel polls

The idea here is to create sequels to existing drawings: same character at a larger size (from chubby to plus size, plus size to super size, or super size to ultra size, ultra size to ???). The reason behind this poll are the same I talked about before:

  • Sequences never go past super size for practical reasons (canvas size and canvas space usage) which can be disappointing for those who'd like bigger.
  • Sequences usually end up at super size, which can also be disappointing the other way, not every character has to be drawn so big.
  • While I do my best to improve the quality of sequences, single character drawings are usually still a notch above them.
  • There are usually fewer suggestions in the Chubby character polls, making it the easiest size category to win in. Having the possibility to win there then switch to the sequel polls could make it serve as an entry category of sort, balancing out the number of suggestions.

If you recall the "Bigger poll" idea from the feedback post, I've let it aside for the time being to avoid any redundancy with the sequel poll.

From to Ultra Size character suggestions

Free Size character suggestions came to be for a reason: to allow patrons to suggest sizes bigger than what I'd normally draw. With the introduction of Sequel polls, who will come at least as regularly as Free Size polls if not more (depending on the results of the poll below), I believe that there's a case for switching back the Free Size character suggestions to Ultra Size only. Some of you have expressed concern over that change, which is why I'll carefully monitor which categories of drawings are more likely to win in the Sequel polls, and make changes if needed (such as rotating which size can be suggested for the Sequel poll).

Stretch goals removal

Because Patreon has chosen to remove stretch goals from their platform, the goals I had about releasing extra Log Myu pages on some Wednesdays are mostly obsolete since they're now harder to track. Considering there hasn't been a new stretch goal unlocked for a long time, I'll simply set in stone the current statu quo by adding the extra pages to the schedule, either every two or three weeks (depending on the results of the poll below), instead of having them counted monthly.

Stretching the schedule

And it's now time to ask for your opinion! In the feedback post, I raised an issue I was having with the introduction of new polls into the schedule: I had to either replace some poll categories, or to insert the new ones between existing polls. After giving it some thoughts, I've excluded to replace categories, simply because the existing ones work well in my opinion, and that there hasn't been any feedback against the existing categories.

So, we're left with the stretching of the schedule, and here are two, equally viable options, and their consequences... 

Between the two schedules below, which one is your preferred?

Schedule 1:

  • Sketch, Coloring and Sequel categories occur every 7 weeks.
  • Extra Log Myu pages are released every two weeks, except on Sequence release week.
  • Character, Sequence and OC content categories now occur every 7 weeks (instead of 5)
  • Rework and Theme categories now occur ever 14 weeks (instead of 10)

Schedule 2:

  • Sketch, Coloring and Sequel categories occur every 12 weeks.
  • Extra Log Myu pages are released every three weeks.
  • Character, Sequence and OC content categories now occur every 6 weeks (instead of 5)
  • Rework and Theme categories now occur ever 12 weeks (instead of 10)



The comics are why I’m here so I’m preferring the one with the most amount.