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Hello all,

Some time ago I presented to you some comics ideas I had, and created polls so that you could vote for your favourites. A couple of these ideas have already been worked on to some degree, but not to the point that I've commited to a format in particular. And by format I mean not only the page format itself (full page, half page, webtoon page), but also whether there's coloring or not (black and white, screentones, grayscale fills).

I probably won't enlighten anyone who has already read online comics, but it's something that has its importance since it determines a lot of the readability, pacing, ability to fit better on certain screens rather than others, and the amount of work one page implies. Picking a format is a compromise between quality and quantity.

At this point, I've only settled on two things:

  • I won't use screen tones. While I like the aesthetic of screentones, I strongly dislike the visual artifacts they generate on certain devices when zooming out, creating a poor reading experience if the page isn't read at full size. The best way to make screentones look acceptable on most screens is to scale down pages with a smoothing filter so that they turn into sorts of grayscale fills. Which defeats the purpose of using screentones in the first place.
  • I won't use the half page format for another story-heavy comic, but may use it for certain types of comics involving day by day narration and the likes (for something closer to Lai-E than Log Myu, for example).

You'll find in the poll a couple options that I believe to be realistic as to how the next comic may be published. For once this is a multiple option poll, since there's no wrong answer, just preferences.

In case you're not used to the page formats:

  • Full page: the traditional format for comics and mangas, by far the most used page format, the most dense in panels (4 to 8 for the average page).
  • Half page: same as above, except cut in half, it normally doesn't contain a lot of panels (1-4 for the average page).
  • Webtoon page: vertical format that gained popularity in the recent years, makes up its low density of panels with longer pages, usually published as colored chapters/parts of 30-60 panels.

So, what are your favorite options below?


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